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Session 42: The Maelstrom, Hold of the Storm Giants

General Summary

With 2 days of downtime before the gathering of Giant Lords at the Maelstrom, you tied up some lose ends in Citadel Adbar, moved into Stoneshinge Wing(see section at the top for details), made some modifications/fortifications, hired personnel to run your keep while you're away and to protect Olga's mother, Helga who moved into your new home. With your new home-base of operations, Shane spent some time setting up a teleportation circle in the top floor of the keep and taught Ivellios and and Xyden how to teleport back this location - Shane also taught Ivellios how to teleport to his personal circle within his chambers that was located within the anti-scry room.
  • Ivellios sent a letter to Yartar, addressed to Delsaphine (rolled an 8)
  • Zephr had Shane tend to his wounded chest. He managed to heal it and prevent it from hindering him with infection and in the process discovered that the stones magic is not gone. It lies dormant, much like the magic that sleeps within his amulet.
  • Eldred became proficient with flying Veena, however mounted combat is still difficult
Shane scryed upon:
  • Hevreck Traverstein, Olga's father whom you found out was still alive - somewhat - after the incident in the mines He was under some sort of influence, lumbering in the underdark. He was unfortunately in a state inwhich was not himself.
  • Draal Snooger, which is Bolivar's brother who went missing after the cloud giant upon Everlund which resulted in the destruction of the town. Even using the aid of their father, Zarod Blackblade's magical scrying eye, he was still unable to locate Draal
  • Mirrian & Nym, King Hekaton's 2 oldest daughters were talking in the throne room with another figure, a taller woman whom you have never seen before named Iymrith. It sounded as if they were plotting or planning something. The stopped their conversation as soon as Princess Serissa and her uncle Uthor walked into the room. You learned that the youngest daughter Serissa currently sits upon the throne.
Xyden had an interesting encounter while walking outside the gates underneath the night sky, praying to Selune the night before your journey. His prayers were interrupted as a small spark lit and started to spin, a circle that cut through the fabric of reality opening up into a portal. Being the threshold, was a square stone room lined with bookcases around the perimeter. There was a table in the center of the room, covered in maps and various pieces of parchment. On the far side of the room were 2 observant dobermans sitting patiently on both sides of a large archway that opened up into a beautiful garden. The perimeter of the garden is lined with a tall wall covered with thick fines containing a cascade of vibrant flowers, obscuring the view from beyond the garden however there is still a view of the clear night sky above. In the center of this garden is a single large oak tree, under its canopy are 2 benches that sit adjacent to a small bird bath.   An old woman with unkept large black and grey hair by the name of SEER had summoned you there because your friend Zephyr is under a fatal burden, one of which an omnipotent being is responsible for. She knows that he is under the threat on constant scrutiny by this being, making open communication about the subject of the matter very difficult. To aide you and your quest, she taught you an ability that allowed you to create an alternate reality - a false reality - so that you may talk openly without the fear of scrying eyes. This ability last 5 allows you to speak openly for 5 minutes.   Lastly, she encouraged you to complete your quest of repairing the Ordining and unrest among the giants but also to heed the threat of the Dodkong. Upon your departure from the garden you saw that the outer wall of the building was covered in alluring small sprigs of rosemary, before returning to your current location outside of Citadel Adbar.   That evening you all rested well and woke up refreshed. Gathered around, Shane gave you another warning about the power of the giants before Zephyr blew into the Conch of Teleportation.   Upon your arrival to the Maelstrom, you interrupted a performance by the two eldest sisters, Mirrian and Nym who were entertaining their guests; various lords of the respective giant races (excluding hill giants) You requested a meeting with Princess Serissa, after presenting the ancient giant relic, a dragon thigh bone club recovered by Ivellios and Eldred from the burial mount at Raven Rock. However, Ivellios lied and stated that they recovered it from dragon cultists. The sisters then said that they would use magic to fact check this, and in the meantime you were escorted back downstairs into guests chambers - that were very well furnished and actually sized for humanoids.   After waiting about an hour, they finally came down to grant you the meeting with Princess Serissa however it was a trap. You were ambushed by the giant lords who were in attendance and Olga actually managed to deliver the killing blow to the cloud giant Count Vaal.   Narrowly surviving, you managed to make your way back upstairs - just in time for Princess Serissa to arrive and ordered her guards to stand down. You were then granted an audience in the Throne Room (which you previously saw in the scrying spell). In attendance was Princess Serissa sitting upon the Wyrmskull Throne, her uncle Uthor to her left, and the familiar figure of Iymrith to her right. The dialog went as follows:
Serissa hears you out, desperate to learn more info about her father.   "State your reason for your arrival to the Maelstrom and please explain to my why my sisters have deemed you assassins. Are you here to kill me?” (knuckles tighten on the throne, as she grows impatient).   You managed to earn her trust   "I fear the people that killed my mother may also be responsible for the disappearance of my father. We have no real evidence nor clues to his whereabouts, except this.”   She presents to you a familiar wooden coin and tosses it to you.   “What do you know about this?”   Dialog exchanged of what you know about the coin.   "This particular wooden coin was recovered in Red Rocks, near the location in which my mother was found. Several months ago, an interesting couple somehow got their hands on a conch and teleported themselves into my court. A repulsive elf by the name of Frilnik and his large companion Uthal. Apparently these tokens belong to an establishment of sorts that sits upon the Dessarin River. It was ONLY by this information that Uthor and Iyamrith allowed them to leave with their lives.”   You sympathized with her more, further gaining her trust.   “When I was a girl, my father would sometimes allow to accompany my mother to the Moonsahe Isles where we would visit with the “small folk” there. They were generous and kind. In my heart I believe that giants and small folk can learn to coexist peacefully.”   Uthor Interjects “Serissa you….”   “I loved my mother dearly, and I believe my father to be the greatest, most sensible King to ever sit up the Wyrmskull Throne.” (Tears start to well and you see a sense of desperation in her eyes) “If you can help me discover what has happened to my father, I will be eternally in your debt.”   A sigh of disgust comes from Iymrith “Ohh please you cannot be serious? For all we know, they’re the ones who murdered your mother and abducted your father!”(Eyes go wide - she said too much)   Rubbing the tears from her eyes, “I don’t not believe that, I cannot…. Wait. When you first came to Court at the Maelstrom, you stated that you had no information pertaining to my father’s disappearance… How do you know that he was abducted?”   Iymrith: "This is outrageous, these tiny folk are just here to sow discord among your court.” Iyamrith, shifting uncomfortably in her chair next to Serissa stands up, Uthor does too at the same time, and she walks up to get on her knee before Serissa on the Throne.”You know I care deeply about you girls, and I want to get to the bottom of this just as much as you…”   Suddenly she stands up and snatches the Korolonor Scepter from around Serissa’s neck, as she does that Princess Serissa's body is completely paralyzed in place, stilling sitting upon the throne Iymrith then curses everyone in draconic hissing, “All giants and small folk are doomed!” and with that attempts to teleport out of the Maelstrom, however the initial reflex from Ivellios was to cast counter spell which succeeded.   Irate with anger and filling with hatred you watch as she transforms before you into the same gargantuan blue dragon in which you encountered at the Eye of Annam several weeks ago (Session 35) . At that moment, you recall Delsaphine informing you that this is Iymrith, the Doom of the Desert...
Report Date
26 Sep 2020

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