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Session 4: Strange Companions, Dark Places

General Summary

With the recent disappearance of Bolivar, your party found yourself incredibly vulnerable. You were confronted with a darkness that you had never seen before. Not exactly sure where the trail led to next, your party set out to the treasure cash that you were previously unsure about. On your way there you ran into two elves Zozco Lightleaf and Zandyn Lightleaf, and their curious giant owl pet, Mo. They accompanied you to the "green mountain" and there you fought an ancient evil that contained the power to possess people's minds and overwhelm them with greed.   With the fifth and final cash, being the furtherest away on the highest point of the Greypeak Mountain range, your party made your way up into the mountain. When you arrived you rang a giant bell that granted you access into the shrine. The view from the top of the mountain range was remarkable, nothing like you have ever seen before. As you entered the shine you saw a large tomb, one in which Kadzurak immediately began to climb on. Upon impact, protective ice memphits erupted from the braziers throughout the shrine. When Kadzurak continued to step on and damage the golden plates atop of the shrine, the ice memphits shrieked and then there entered the largest Storm Giant you have ever seen. His name was Kraddokk, one of the remaining great giant leaders of Faerun. He confirmed the suspicions of Shore'dal being in the area, and that is where brimstone smelling tunnel lead to, that was in the back of the shrine. Origonally this place served as the entry chambers into a temple of Annam, which the the Heart of the Mountain and the Tear's of Greypeak.   When the first room you entered contained a large crack in the center of the room, which served as a portal into the Abyss. After defeating two barbed devils you made your way through and into the room that contained the Tear of Greypeak, a magnificent fountain that the giant god Annam himself bathed in. When you closed the door the who room became a transparent vessel with a few that looked as if you were standing at the very top of the mountain. Here you were able to take a brief reprieve.   In the final chamber, and at long last you battled Shore'dal along with his flame elemental that he summoned from the brazier at his side. Shortly after his pregnant demon partner Liltith announced her entry with the death of the giant owl, Mo. You managed to defeat Shore'dal and his fire elemental, however Lilith managed to slip away. After searching the large chamber, you guys saw a massive floating castle in the center of the room. From the design in the ground below and the layout of the stars above on the ceiling, Zephyr was able to locate the flying castle somewhere above Neverwinter or the Misty Forrest. Upon searching the back room you found Bolivar's body along with the trapped souls of over 100 individuals. After destroying all of the vials, you immediately felt the presence of your late friend, Veradda Stoor, by freeing her soul.   With an unconscious Bolivar in tow, your party decided to rest in the comfort of the room that contained the tears of Greypeak and the heart of the mountain. Battered, beaten, and exhausted, your party has successfully recovered the treasures left behind by the Cult of the Dragon in the Greypeak Mountains... some of them...
Report Date
26 Sep 2020

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