Session 44: The Grand Dame Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 44: The Grand Dame

General Summary

With the day quickly coming to a close and the extravagant lights of the Grand Dame penetrating the darkness before you, the party boarded the flat-bottom river boat that harbored the Golden Goose Casino - the source of the wooden coin you found all those months ago at the Ruins of Karse (Session 16).   Boarding the ship, there was a familiar individual to some of you - a massive individual with very pale skin wearing a very nice tuxedo, Ser Vincent Stonefist. The goliath appeared to be the one in charge of the making sure the boat was properly loaded and the patrons taken care of. He though he recognized Eldred, but after a convincing performance he realized he was sorely mistaken.   He was accompanied by a female dragonborn, silver in color but she had beautiful long purple tendrils pulled to the back. Her name was Arythriatina Midsimal and is from the dragonborn capital city far to the southeast known as Djerad Thymar.   After handing over all of your belongings you boarded the ship, each of you departing with your weapons and armor leaving them safely stored on the ships docks. Olga, however was acting a bit strange... Upon boarding the Grand Dame, you had a warm welcome to Golden Goose Casino. You spent the night playing games, gambling, and rubbing elbows with the members of finer socioeconomic status. There was wealth in the form you have never quite seen before. With 1 goose = 1 platinum piece, you saw that some people had checkbooks rather than coin purses.   After awhile, you settled in the dinning hall where Ivellios, or Duke Bartolmew Robshaw Lashire of Hillingham Davenport met C.J. Collins, an elf of incredible wealth from Waterdeep. You learned that the war against the hordes of giantfolk has caused many people to evacuate north, and that times of war can make some people very rich, C.J. included. You also learned that C.J. is good friends with Lord Khaspere Drylund, the man you came here to meet.   Duke Bortolmew managed to forge a deed to an estate in Longsaddle and trade it to C.J. for a piece of property in Waterdeep. The deed of sale notes that the property is in the Dock Ward, off Lackpurse Lane and The Reach.   Eventually "The Duke", Bolivar, and Zephyr fenagled their way into the personal chambers of Lord Drylund. Oddly enough for all of the things you have heard about this individual, he was incredibly reasonable. He saw a look of recognition in Ivellious' eye, and gave you the answer you were seeking. "The Morkoth sails deep within the Trackless Sea, far northwest of the Northlander Isles and beyond...." before he could finish his sentence, he started to bleed from his eyes, nose, and mouth. Seconds later he was dead. In a panic, Ivellios managed to grab a few letters off his desk before people arrived from the cries of his screams. Among one of the people summoned was Pow Ming.   With Lord Drylund now dead, Pow Ming was in charge. She has no information nor interest in in Lord Drylund's personal dealings, but she is very interested in running the Grand Dame for her own personal interests.   With that you spent the rest of the evening on the Grand Dame, to re-dock at Yartar in the early hours of the morning; of course after paying a 30% tax on your earnings.   When you re-arrived back at Yartar, you could hear that the battle was still in full swing - possibly even moreso now. After a major incident at the docks where one of the ships crashed aboard the shores you realized that something was definitely off.   The sounds of explosions and cries led you deeper into the city where you found that the southern border of Yartar had been breached. After discovering that your equipment you left at the cheap-ass inn, The Tired Traveler Tavern had been stolen, you heeded the call to arms. Together you fought back waves and waves of orcs, goblins, gnolls, ogres, and giants alike. At the final push, you defeated a hill giant "commander" alongside an ogre carrying a catapult, a troll, and even a small ratfolk.   Upon the conclusion of the battle you hailed victorious, however it came with a cost. The entirety of the Yartar Militia here at the southern gate had been wiped out in the attack. You managed to save dozens, however nearly 530 civilians perished in the attack.   Eldred collapsed from exhaustion at the end of the battle, but was brought back by Ivellios. You ran into Arythriatina, the silver dragonborn who works for the Grand Dame and are currently walking into the subterranean exclusive aforementioned tavern. After traveling through an underground sewer system, you made your way into a dimly lit hallway that opens up into a comfortable inn, lit by mauve colored driftglobes throughout the establishment. There in the common room you saw many of the same faces that you courted with aboard the Grand Dame. Behind the front desk stood an elf, and older gentleman, welcoming you to Beldabar's Rest.
Report Date
30 Sep 2020

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