Session 45: Xye's Lucky Day Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 45: Xye's Lucky Day

General Summary

Entering Beldabar's Rest on the mid-morning of Eleasias 19, you quickly became friends with the proprietor of the establishment, Beldabar Falanaar. He appears to be a retired elf who still looks very capable of physical feats even in his old age. He took a liking to you guys and let you visit his personal library for a brief moment after you told him you were seeking more information. Still exhausted from the previous evenings battle you decided to leave to find a room elsewhere (Beldabar's Rest was full until a familiar dwarf, the one you gambled with aboard the Grand Dame, recognized you and offered up his room - seeing that you had played a large part in the battle.   You all collapsed from exhaustion almost immediately after entering you room, even though it was only noon. Some of you slept peacefully, others had a visitor...   Xyden learned that Arythriatina Midsimal, the dragonborn female he met who worked aboard the Grand Dame, was from the capital city of Djerad Thymar very far away to the southeast - (also Xyden's hometown)   The city itself is in complete unrest due to the disappearance of a very well-known ancient artifact, the Breath of Petron.   Many people speculate and blame the Church of Selune (the goddess Xyden worships) which as actually caused an civil war in the capital city. This uproar has given allowance for an increase of cult activity, and even a demonic uprising within the entire country of Tymanther.   Arythriatina came west as a result of this war, but moreso the disappearance of her mother, Tylavaer Midsimal, who happens to be Xyden's ex-lover.   Awkward.   At some point during Xyden's rest Arythriatina left your chambers, not to be seen again. When you all woke up around 10 PM, you reconvened and read the letters that Ivellios had recovered from Lord Drylund's personal chambers aboard the Grand Dame. You learned from a map down below in Beldabar's library that the ship you seek, the Morkoth, is located faaaaaaar to the west, out in the middle of the Trackless Sea.   Time is of the essence as the window of opportunity to your only way knowing the exact whereabouts of the Morkoth is about to pass by.   After much discussion, you decided to take Beldabar up on his offer to accompany you to the Luskan, the City of Sails. This where his old adventuring companion, Osk Thunderhale currently resides when he is at port. He is the owner of one of the fastest ships on the coast, the Moon Maiden. Beldabar pulled some strings and used his influence with Harper Kolbaz to teleport you all to Luskan (teleport, not teleportation circle).   Luskan has seen several giant attacks, specifically frost giant, but they have fared well. Very late in the evening you made your way to the Hanging Lantern tavern where you had your first interaction with Osk Thunderhale. A rather old but similar to Beldabar, very capable half-orc. Despite the large scar on his lip, he is very handsome.   The blood in the water was thick between Osk and Beldabar, in fact it led to fisticuffs to the point where several of you were incapacitated. After a very compelling speech by Xyden, Osk stood down and agreed to take you aboard the Moon Maiden. But not without a price...   You paid Osk for the journey ahead in 2 days time and made your way out under the cloudless night sky in the streets of Luskan. The smell of fish fills the brisk evening air in this port city, but it meets you as a blanket of comfort. Knowing that for the first time, you have a clear vision of a means to an end by potentially saving King Hekaton who lies captive aboard the Morkoth. As you look out among the port city, your eyes catch the low burning pyres of the previously invading frost giants. The familiar feeling of unrest quickly greets you once again, as the reality of the matter hits you; if you fail to save the King, will the Ordining ever be restored?
Report Date
30 Sep 2020

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