Session 50: Prince Charming and the Great Escape Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 50: Prince Charming and the Great Escape

General Summary

Storming Lyn Armaal   After Ivellios Dimension Doored into the Dungeon of Lyn Armaal, he quickly freed the Adult Bronze Dragon Felgolos (who then immediately polymorphed into a human man to change his appearance), Dral Snooger (Bolivar's brother), a male halfling named Nespril Menk (who is a Harper), and a very sick and unconscious male elf known as High Sorcerer Vaeril. The leader of the cloud giants, Countess Sansuri walked in during the attempted rescue and escape, however Ivellios managed to successfully charm her and de-esclade the situation. Meanwhile upstairs right after Delsaphine had teleported away with Frilnik and attempted to kill Xyden, a male cloud giant had entered the room full of artifacts you were currently in. He was non-hostile towards you and in fact was not a massive fan of his crazy sister. All he cared about were her children that were located in the chambers next door. He wanted to make sure they were safe. After some convincing and your word that you would keep then children out of harm's way, he safely escorted you down to the Throne Room below. Ivellios was able to convince Countess Sansuri that we was sent on King Hekaton's behalf (whom you learned she despised). Although she was not happy with your presence, this vasad was enough to buy Vel and the freed prisoners some time. She put Vel and the prisoners in a holding room where the rest of the party (Bolivar, Eldred, and Xye) were able to meet up. Now that you were all reunited, Nespril the halfling prisoner was barely able to cast a Teleportation Circle with the help of Vel while the rest of you fought off a cloud giant guard that had caught on to the prison break. The spell put Nespril in critical condition, however it teleported you safely to a Harper Secret Refuge in the Lord's Alliance city of Mirabar located in the Spine of the World. This particular Teleportation Circle was located in a secret attic within a stable. Upon your arrival to Mirabar, you were very cautiously greeted by a male dwarf named Zezspar Bronzefire. With Nespril and High Sorcerer Vaeril's unconscious bodies in toe he was very skeptical about your arrival, nonetheless he was more concerned with saving the life of High Sorcerer Vaeril whom you learned is one of the highest ranking members amongst the Harpers Guild. As you licked your wounds, being forced to retreat yet again, you talked about your next course of action and the madness currently ensuing. Zezspar once again joined you, bringing food and wine. From him you learned a lot about the Harpers and various other factions within the realms along with other information: Detailed Faction Guide. (Guide to understanding the Harpers, Lord's Alliance, Order of the Gauntlet, Zhentrium - aka Black Network, and the Emerald Enclave). Felgolos travels from place to place. He owes you a debt and told you that if you call upon him in your time of need, he owes you a favor. You told zezspar a good deal about your travels and he provided what insight he could. You outlined your experiences with the Dodkong, but you left out details pertaining to the Titan Stones themselves. He is an insightful individual and knows there's more to the story than what you fed him. He identified Xye's necklace and ended up getting cursed himself (lol) As the night went on you learned that Nespril had survived and was being nursed to health, however High Sorcerer Vaeril Rhuidhen did not recover from his fatal wounds. Eventually all of you (including Dral and Felgolos the dragon currently in humanoid form) were escorted to a Harper Villa nearby where they provided you with a place to stay. Before going to bed you had pondered the idea of using a Speak with Dead spell to communicate with the recently deceased Vaeril Rhuidhen but Zezspar did warn you that the rest of the Harper Guild may not be too keen on that notion. As you all came to consciousness you noticed that Felgolos was now gone, taking with him Ivellios' formal wear (as he was previously in loins) and leaving behind a bronze dragon scale he had plucked from Xyden's butt during the night.
Report Date
30 Sep 2020

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