Session 53: The Mind Can Only Bend So Much Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 53: The Mind Can Only Bend So Much

General Summary

Saved an individual named Ichabod- tiefling who had lost most of his memory and some of his mind.   Recovered some loot and rescued who you thought to be Halywix   Battled and defeated Morklav, the steward of Maraxax's Domain who was a vampire.   Upon defeating Morklav, you found the real Halywix whose body was resting on top of what you believe to be Morklav's coffin.   Upon finding the real Halywix, the decoy Halywix disappeared but not before taunting Ichabod with a sinister grin.   Lett off with Zephyr and Bolivar pushing open the lid to Morklav's coffin

Morklav, Steward of Maraxax's Domain
Report Date
26 Sep 2020

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