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Session 5: Down Mountains and Through the Desert

General Summary

Your party has been successfully reunited with Bolivar as you wake up the following morning. You realize that your two new friends, Zandyn and Zozco have disappeared, however they left behind several gifts, a note, and directions that lead you down the opposite side of the mountain towards Parnast. When you awaken you notice that there is a dramatic difference in the previously tainted temple. The gaping hole to the abyss has been shut and the way out of the temple down the eastern side has now opened up.   Uneventfully you make your way down the mountain and across the Fallen Lands (but not without a few creepy crawly feelings) until the reached the western end of the Anauroch Desert. One day as your party was traveling south you saw a giant storm cloud heading your way. It was heading towards you at an incredible rate of speed, engulfing you with a sandstorm as it passed. As it neared the Greypeak Mountains, you watched as it turned and proceeded to head north.   Along your way you came across two carts, and a family that had been brutally murdered. You managed to track down a group of hobgoblins accompanied by a bone naga at a rocky stronghold further into the desert. In the process of dispatching the hobgoblins, Catnip lit the tent on fire that was within the stronghold. The bone naga managed to get away after nearly killing the lot of you, however Zephyr did manage to save a prisoner from the tent before the flames entirely engulfed the structure. Afterwards the half-elvin man with an impressive mustache, Azam, thanked you for saving his life. You learned that he is a merchant that was traveling to Parnast with his troop, to deliver a statue. Along the way they were attacked and he was captured. He happily agreed to accompany your party the remainder of the way to the village.   When you were about a day outside of Parnast, to Azam's suprise, you came upon a burned down estate. It was evident that this had happened years ago, however with all of the excitement as of late, Azam had not been here in years. He informed you that this was the Lionsbane's Estate. Good wholesome people. The father and head of the household, Sir Sandwier was an honorable man. As he shared this story with you, Kadzurak became extremely quite and distraught and continued walking on, showing a disinterest in the whole situation.   The party continued walking on, eventually making their way to the outskirts of Parnast. Quickly approaching evening, you could see that the activity within the town was slowly winding down. This was an incredibly warm and welcomed sight to each and everyone of you (most of you), as this is the first time in weeks that you have seen civilization.
Report Date
26 Sep 2020

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