Session 55: Unholy Reunions Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 55: Unholy Reunions

General Summary

You all nearly collapsed that evening of exhaustion. You learned that although you had only been in Maraxax's Domain for several hours, it had been several days here on the Prime Material Plane. That evening Vel and Zephyr's sleep was interrupted by a floating green orb outside their window. That orb turned out to be Wulgreth's skull...  
  • They were teleported to a perch on the mountainside far above Mirbar where the Dodkong awaited.
  • Gurgaran is aware of your travels outside of this plane of existence, you learned that he is indeed aware of the Orb of Dragonkind, and Wulgreth has personal vetted interests in this item.
  • He grows impatient for the Titan Stones.
  • He is aware of your situation with Iymrith, he told you that she has something in her treasure horde that he wants. A standard of sorts. He told you that you would be able to identify it once you saw it.
  • You watched as his staff, opened up a portal into another plane of existence to a massive labyrinth type structure and passed through - you later learned that this was known as The Great Dismal Delve located in the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Finally catching rest, that next morning you gained a ton of intel from both Archanist Eudora pertaining to the Dodkong, she informed you that there is indeed a way to remove the stone from Zephyr's chest and lift the curse, however the ritual will be very dangerous and his life is at stake. The ritual may only be performed with the help of both Eudora and Old Night, the head librarian of the realms greatest library, the Herald's Library in Herald's Holdfast.   You learned from the gnome Nespril Menk (who has a fascination with dragons) that Iymrith's desert domain is located in an amphitheater deep within the Anauroch Desert. It is protected by a half man - half reptilian group of cultists known as yaunti and countless gargoyles in which she has magically created herself.   The only way to reach her desert domain is by land. Ancient Blue Dragons have the ability to control and manipulate the weather within 6 miles of their lair - traveling their by air would be suicide and there is no way to teleport in due to the fact that no one has ever been there in the past several hundred years of her living there.   Reaching her lair will require you to enter the Anauroch Desert is through the ancient dwarven ruined city of Ascore - however Iyamrith's 2 younger children, Anaxaster & Chezzaran have taken up refuge in this ruined city. By Nespril's guess, they would be adult dragons by now.   Along with the loot you gained, you were also given a Writ of Authorization to Lunar Enterprises - an incredibly lucrative organization that specializes in the trading of information, relics, and artifacts of legendary value and wealth. It is run by a man who goes by the name Mad Jack Dawkins, however his true identity is Jeremiah Shelby, a name that Archanist Eudora recommends you do not use.   Near the end of the session you made your way to Smoldering Rivers, Mad Jack's local establishment here in Mirabar.
Report Date
29 Sep 2020

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