Session 61: Something Amiss Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 61: Something Amiss

General Summary

Made your way into Deadstone Cleft, having a revelation of The Ordining and Annam himself, the God of all giantkind. After the out of body experience however, Willow was no where to be found.   Met Dantan Moonmust, the sceneil great-grandfather of of Hydia Moonmusk who was part firbolg, part human;
  • He told you about how the males in his bloodline are cursed, which is why the Blue Bear Tribe is now a matriarch
  • He shared his belief about the Steinfang, the great stalactite in Thane Kayalithica's Temple; he believes it to be the root of the corruption. Thane Kayalithica and her giants believe that these replies come from Skoraeus Stonebones himself
  • He disappeared into the mist
Battled with more Blue Bear Tribe members but were able to make a treaty with the firbolgs in the outpost. Told you that they would help you.   Made your way to Thane Kayalithica's Temple where you just destroyed the Steinfang and killed her right before she was able to make her escape.   Upon investigating her corpse, you found sacks, one of which containing a small gnome...
Report Date
29 Sep 2020

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