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Session 67: Round II

General Summary

DANGEROUS STORM - DEX 15 (3d6)   Defeated Anaxaster; Chezzaran is en route (~1 miles away, 200 feet/round, roughly 2.5 minutes before she arrives) - Start Timer!   “Silence!”   “All consumption is death for the consumed. Yet all must eat, so we all bring damnation to one creature or another.”   “Lord Hekaton?! HAHAHA, All of your bones will only be remembered by the sands of MY domain   Encounter Round 2 - King Hekaton and Imperator Uthor Arrive - Imperator Uthor is badly injured Round 2.5 - Horde of Hobgoblins getting closer; King Hekaton’s tanglefoot bag Round 3 - Felgolos Arrives to wipe out hobgoblins   King Hekaton delivered the killing blow   Discussed potentially teleporting back to the Maelstrom; learned that Countess Sansuri will be there.   Made your way to Chezzaran's Lair located not far from Anaxaster's Lair   Petrified dwarfs x12 (200lbs / 500gp each) (Swavain Basilisk lair Deeper in the lair; genie lamp along with 50 more statues (45 of them broken)   Ventured down into a complex tunnel system with caved in parts - Need to dig it out with the help of Hekaton. There encountered a Swavain Basilisk who petrified Bolivar before being charmed to stand down by Willow

Swavain Basilisk
Report Date
29 Sep 2020

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