Session 79: Audience with the Open Lord Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 79: Audience with the Open Lord

8pm Uktar / November 8

General Summary

Deemed the "Preservers of the Sacred Stone Order" by Abbess Hellenrae and the order of the Sacred Stone monks. The Stoneax is given to Zephyr as a gift and the party is granted access to the Teleportation Circle, further expanding their network.   Spell Gem (Amber) Whitney, lead journalists of Words from the Wards Talks fast; Thin tall silver dragonborn with blue eyes Assistant is Dave; built half orc with long dreadlocks   Read Adventures of the Ragtags Received an anonymous tip from Dra’go

Waterdeep and Her Splendors

The party is summoned by Laeral Silverhand, the Open Lord of Waterdeep and sister is Alustriel Silverhand. Here she introduces the King's Random plot line.   Defeated Bael with the help of her lover Kelben who lost his mind as a result. Most people think he is dead but he is in fact not Entrance to Undermountain is in the Yawning Portal; contact Durnan and present him with this (sigil of the Seven) CJ Collins Deed to Estate in the Dock Ward of Lackpurse Lane Wulgreth Congratulates them on the win; warns them that if they take the trip to Kothorzo that it will be dangerous; the evil that drove them out lies far beneath the surface No easy way to get there but it is important to know that: The Double Tree of Korthozo will not be welcoming. If they manage to get past the double tree Gain passage from Warchief Mook’da; natives that have inhabited that area and protect the surface world from what is within Next they must traverse across Loch of the Ancients until you reach the Isle of Respite. This is ground zero; anything beyond that is uncharted territory and Wulgreth is unable to help. Horn of Heroism (+2 to hit, +1 to DC)   Developments Teleportation Circle in the dungeon Home for Octive Pillars (18) - living off pineapple Archanist Eudora will pass on word to the Lords of Waterdeep Quarbo is in charge Bolivar gave Thorin GP CJ collins - war profiteer Checked in at the Orphanage around noon on the 12th
Report Date
02 Oct 2020

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