Session 8: Execution Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 8: Execution

General Summary

Walking into Easthaven was like stepping into Icewind Dale’s past—the place is a living example of the boomtown way of life that gripped all of Ten-Towns centuries ago. In the generations since, as other towns have settled into a predictable pattern of existence, Easthaven has continued to grow and reinvent itself. After the Eastway was paved, Easthaven evolved into a frontier traders’ paradise which was evident as the party ventured through the town.   After stopping at Greystables to repair the damaged sled and adopt a replacement sled dog (which Morthos settled for a white wolf instead), the party went to the White Lady Inn where you performed a successful seance with the charming resident halfling bard, Reinaldo Goldbow.    Recalling the letter from Nildar Sunblight, the party set out to learn more about the Easthaven Ferry. When the party went onboard, they were ambushed by Durth Sunblight, Nildar's brother who had been hiding aboard the Easthaven Ferry while scouring the town for Chardalyn. After defeating him, you took his body to Captain Arlaggath however when you arrived to the town square it was time for the burning of the Red Wizard, Dzaan.   In silence, the whole town gathered for the public execution of the wizard who had allegedly killed several adventurers from Easthaven.   After the burning, the party was allowed their audience with the Captain. She was grateful for the information you shared about Nildar,  Durth, the duergar occupation, what you knew about the Chardalyn, and rewarded you for everything. Before leaving, she asked that you look into a group of missing fishermen who had been lost on Lac Dinneshere for several days now.   You then made your way back to the White Lady Inn for a well deserved rest before setting out the next morning.
Report Date
13 Feb 2021

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