Shane Tranter Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Shane Tranter

Very handsome younger/middle-aged dwarf with long full blonde hair that he wears down and he is actually beardless. For a dwarf he actually has very soft facial features.   Powerful summoner, and talented alchemist.   He is partners with Enchanter Kyren, who runs The Mithral Anvil with his father, Smithy Diken, and their Bernese Mountain Dog puppy name Chippie   He is Rodric Scovar's uncle (the dwarf smithy in Parnast) on his mother's side.   Shane serves on King Harnoth's advisory council in Citadel Adbar - which was recently heavily impacted by the War of the Silver Marshes. Shane's father died about 22 years ago while conducting a ritual to learn more about the amulet Zephyr possesses. Shane also knows about the King being a doppleganger.   Current Location: Citadel Adbar   Spells: 1st - Detect Magic, Identify 4th - Summon Greater Demon, Banishment, Charm Monster 5th - Hold Monster (always - just in case) and 1 other prepared every day O Legend Lore O Teleportation Circle O Scrying O Conjure Elemental

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