Slarkrethel Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Slarkrethel was a huge kraken wizard and Chosen of Umberlee, who also founded the Kraken Society. Born in the Year of the Kraken, 151 DR, it wasn't until Slarkrethel found the submerged ruins of Ascarle in 244 DR that he began building his undersea empire. There, he was inspired by legends of his ancestors' past, and his studies left him aspiring to godhood and to regain some of his race's former glory. Centuries later, he had extended his tentacles all over the Trackless Sea, and created the web of informants and spies called the Kraken Society. He was adopted by Umberlee as her chosen in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR. Development He is going to recover the Tempus of Stronamus from Ivellios' father Slarkrethel is also in possession of the Harbinger of Darkness, which is the final (almost) key to the Dodkongs plans; he keeps it in Ascarle - Subject to change

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