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Like Bryn Shander, Targos is encircled by a wooden wall, which helps to protect the town against orcs and other threats from the wilderness. The wall extends out into the lake, creating a safe harbor for the town’s boats. But now Auril’s long winter has frozen the water in the harbor, and many of Targos’s boats are trapped in the ice. Fishers must drag their smaller vessels across the ice to get to the unfrozen lake beyond the harbor walls.   Almost all the towns in Icewind Dale make their living off the lakes, but nowhere is that fact more evident than in Targos. The town has always had the biggest fishing fleet and the biggest fishing industry, and everything that goes on here revolves around hauling the knucklehead trout out of Maer Dualdon. Auril’s endless winter makes the work harder, but it gets done nonetheless.   Naerth Maxildanarr, a former rogue of Luskan, moved to Targos a couple of years ago, took up residence in the Luskan Arms, and spread around a lot of gold, earning the loyalty of many local fishers. His cordial, down-to-earth demeanor contributed to his swift rise to power, enabling him to replace a town speaker who was well liked but didn’t want the job anymore. As the most senior representative of the Zhentarim in Ten-Towns, Naerth is determined to turn Icewind Dale into a trade hub for the Black Network. He has a dozen or more Zhentarim spies throughout Ten-Towns that he uses to good effect, disposing of suspected Harper spies and convincing business owners to buy fish from Targos instead of from other sources.

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