Titan Stones Myth in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Titan Stones

When the world was young the children of Annam the All-Father roamed the realm freely for thousands of years. It is believed that during their toils the Titans had a grand enemy, an enemy more terrifying than the dragons they constantly trifled with. Not because of their strength single handedly, but because of their size in number. Vast armies of darkness and extreme horror poured into the giant’s lands from a distant plane known as the Far Realm.   The Titans discovered the threat to be enabled by a stone. A dark onyx sent here from the lands far beyond our natural realm. This stone, named the Harbinger of Darkness held open a portal, a direct like to the Far Realm; a realm of nightmare, chaos, perversion and destruction. The giant lords however, were smart. If there was a single stone which harbored such great power, it must have an equal but opposite.  

Conquest of the Titans

The Lords of the Giant Pantheon banded together and set out on a quest to find other stones, recovering 19 other stones. Some of the stones were found on the planet of Toril whereas others were found on different planes of existence entirely, including the four elemental planes. This legendary journey of cosmic scale became known as the Conquest of the Titans, or Condarang va Tenstein. The hunt for these stones spanned over twelve centuries.   With all but the Harbinger of Darkness recovered, the giant lords forged several of the stones into weapons capable of harnessing their power. With the help of these weapons the great war came to an end, the Titan Stones serving their purpose. The 20th stone, the dark onyx that served as a gateway link to the Far Realm was eventually recovered. The coalition of giant lords agreed that these stones together possessed too much power and responsibility for one to bear.  
  Together the Titan’s locked away all of the stones, only to be used again in the event of another great cosmic threat. They were to be guarded specifically by the bloodline of the stone giant Titan, Skoraeus Stonebones; son of Annam himself. The location where the stones were kept became known as Nedeheim, a giant temple deep beneath the Giant's Run Mountain. This agreement to protect the Titan Stones is what gave birth to democracy amongst all giantkind, a hierarchy system to abide by known as The Ordining. They were kept safe under the protection of stone giants for thousands of years, and left undisturbed.   However, the power of darkness does not lie dormant forever. The bloodline of Annam is powerful, but not strong enough to fight off the temptations of ancient evil.   Millenniums passed and the world seemed to forget about the Titan Stones, all but the stewards of the stones. A day came when the young Protector of Nedeheim, known as Grugaran, heard a whisper… Curiously the young stone giant, a direct descendant of Skoraeus Stonebones, would listen. Over the years in the great hall Nedeheim, one whisper turned to two. Two turned to twenty. Somehow Grugaran gained the ability to communicate with all the Titan Stones. After centuries of toiling, listening to the whispers of the relics he was tasked with protecting he learned that many of the Titan Stones held noble and steadfast in their creative origins. Others, however, contained a darkness that yearned to escape. The lines of morality and Grugaran’s inherited duty of protecting the stones lost their significance. He began his slow descent into madness and obsessed over how to harness the power of the stones; specifically how to become immortal.
After centuries of obsessing and communing with the Titan Stones the stone giant lord decided it was time to take action and forge his own destiny. Grugaran was an old and frail stone giant when he recovered the artifact known as the Crown of Obadai from human tomb robbers. He and his young lover had a plan to turn themselves into liches using the ancient stone giant artifact, so that they could rule over a reborn Nedeheim that they would create together in their image. Unfortunately, when Grugaran first attempted to use it, the crown killed his young lover but he succeeded in obtaining undeath himself. Now a heartless lich, Grugaran declared himself Dodkong, the Death King and set about his goal.   He gathered the displaced stone giant clans of Nedeheim and with them, he re-founded the kingdom, calling it Cairnheim. The Dodkong ruled his kingdom through fear. He considered wherever he was feared to be part of his kingdom and as such commanded several hill giant clans and collected tribute from several human settlements in the region. In addition, should he choose to call upon them, he could also command several large tribes of orcs and hobgoblins to fight for him.   The madness suffered by the stone giant lord began to warp his mind. He eventually even turned on his people murdering hundreds, if not thousands. The Dodkong used his powers found in lichdom to raise an army of undeath; referring to the most powerful undead giants among his ranks as “Dodforers” or “Death Chiefs”. He went as far as harnessing the powers of the Harbinger of Darkness to summon the long-dormant aberrations of the Far Realm.

Civil War

This act against giantkind provoked the rest of the Ordining to band together and defeat the stone giant betrayer. After a bloody war between the giants of the Ordining vs the army of undead and aberrations of the Far Realm, the betrayer lord, Grugaran, was overthrown and killed. His body was buried under what remained of Nedeheim within the depths of the Giant’s Run Mountains. For the first time in thousands of years, the Giant Pantheon banded together in physical form and hid the stones throughout Faerun so that no one may ever bring about that level of destruction again.

Imbuing Weapons and Armor

Some of the Titan Stones are still in their raw form while others have been transformed into powerful weapons, wondrous items, and artifacts. Titan Stone’s magic can be transferred to a non-magical item, weapon, or suit of armor through a painstakingly long and difficult ritual. The transfer takes 24 hours of work and requires the two items to be within 5 feet of each other. At the end, the raw stone turns to dust, and the respective rune appears on the chosen item in whatever raw mineral the stone was made of. The item then becomes magical, requires attunement, and gains additional benefits.   Once a Titan Stone's magic is transferred into an item, it cannot be reverted back to it's natural form.


Characters that attempt to attune to more than one Titan Stone gain a random form of Indefinite Madness daily until they break attunement with all Titan Stones. This includes items, weapons or armor that are imbued with a Titan Stone's magic.   It has been discovered that the Dodkong gains insight on the location of the Titan Stone when someone attempts to attune to it.
Giant Rune Item
Blod (Blood) Orb of Fey Magic
Dod (Death) Harbinger of Darkness
Ferd (Journey) Bice Crag
Fjell (Mountain) Valajantar's Gift
Haug (Hill) Grolandor's Tooth
Hellig (Sacred) Talisman of Silence
Ild (Fire) Opal of the Ild Rune
Ise (Frost) Shard of the Ise Rune
Kong (King) King's Ransom
Krig (War) Warchief's Sentinel
Liv (Life) Leben für Immer
Skold (Shield) Ingot of the Skold Rune
Skye (Cloud) Nimbus Stone
Stein (Stone) Orb of the Stein Rune
Stig (Light) Light's Courage
Ulvar (Storm) Tempest of Stronmaus
Uven (Enemy) Glacies Carcerem
Venn (Friend) Justice of the Giant Lords
Vind (Wind) Gale of Ostoria
Wyrm (Dragon) Claw of the Ancient

Annam the All-Father

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