Undevvur Thort Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Undevvur Thort

Thort sports a monocular that is attached to an apparatus that holds it in place over his right eye - there’s also 3 Ioun stones circling his head.

Thort's Findings

This curiosity shop in the North Ward of Waterdeep resides in the head of what was once one of the famed  Harpers Hall of Waterdeep.   The owner, Undevvur Thort, is a wizened old ex-adventurer who leans on a cane that some locals insist is “more than a cane.” He lives in the shop, a many-leveled place of tight staircases and landings ascending the hollow interior of the head. The shop is crammed with oddments sold to Undevvur by adventurers, mostly “relics” brought back from Undermountain and other delves. Undevvur is known for his exotic goods and odd sense of humor, but few realize that the old man is a Harper ally or that his shop boasts several hidden rooms that serve as safe houses for agents and their contacts. Thort is always interested in new and strange artifacts—especially if the seller has a tale to tell about them. In exchange, he might unlock some of his treasures for fellow adventurers to admire.   Prices he is willing to pay by Item Rarity:
  • Common 10 PP
  • Uncommon 50 PP
  • Rare 500 PP
  • Very Rare 5,000 PP
  • *Payment is non-negotiable


Specializes in tattoos that gift magical enchantments
  • Ruby dust: +1 Strength (2,200gp)
  • Emerald dust: +1 Dexterity (2,200gp)
  • Diamond dust: +1 Constitution (2,500gp)
  • Jade dust: +1 Wisdom (2,200gp)
  • Sapphire dust: +1 Intelligence (2,200gp)
  • Aquamarine dust: +1 Charisma (2,200gp)
  • Fire Opal dust: Fire resistance (5,000gp)
  • Black Sapphire dust: Cold resistance (5,000gp)
Charges 4x the amount in regular gems and 10x the amount in gold; really has not interested in gold.

Associate of Jack Dawkins who runs Thort's Findings in Waterdeep

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