Wilhelmina Varel Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Wilhelmina Varel

Wilhemina Varel grew up in Daggerford and had a pretty good upbringing. Her father, Heilen, came from a pretty good family. He and his brother used to work very closely, and they had a really good relationship, but they did not want the same kind of life. His brother wanted to be a high sorcerer someday, which he eventually achieved, Heilen wanted a regular life and to have a family and not worry about politics and power. He was miserable and told his brother that he wanted to leave. His brother told him to take some time off to clear his mind, which he did, but instead of clearing his mind, he fell in love with a human baker named Nessa. He told his brother about Nessa and how he wanted to start alive with her. In horror, his brother told his family about the situation, and they gave him a choice, them or Nessa. His family was meant the world to him, but Nessa gave his life a purpose and a light that he was desperately in need of.   They moved to Daggertford after leaving Everlund because they wanted somewhere that was a smaller city, and somewhere that was a little bit more peaceful than Everlund. With all the money that they had, they decided to find a place where they could build their own bakery. It was tough at first, and they thought that they would have to move again and try their luck in another city. Still, soon enough, the bakery started to pick up, and they started earning back everything that they had invested in the shop. They were so incredibly happy. They loved each other, and eventually, they had their firstborn, a beautiful baby name Alexandra.   As time when on they eventually had their second-born, another beautiful baby called Wilhemina. Willow was different from Alexandra. She was a curious child and, eventually, an inquisitive and curious young lady. Alexandra was very stern and not very expressive. Everything was either black or white, with no gray areas in between. Willow, on the other hand, has always been fascinated by the gray area of all the different possibility and outcomes that can happen. Their father used to tell the stories about where he grew up and about his brother. Alexandra has always been a little bit bitter that Heilen chose a life of simplicity and not a life of luxury and power. Willow was the opposite; she thought that their father was so brave for choosing love over what he left behind.   Both Willow and Alexandra were fascinated with everything related with the arcane. Still, Heilen noticed how Willow had a different spark in her. She was always curious about how nature mixed with the arcane. Her father used to teach them everything that he knew, but at a prolonged rate, he wanted them to take every lesson and really understand it, not just learn things to learn things.

Sweet and inocente 23 year old half-elven woman who believes everyone has a second chance in life and is ready to help anyone in need.

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