Wulgreth Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Vargo the Fearless

Strongly built human (mid 30’s) who stands around 6’2. He wears a combination of fine leather armor and has a long dark cape that is connected to a pair of ornate shoulder plates. His right hand boasts a gauntlet that has a medium sized green emerald set into it right beneath the thumb. When he takes his helmet off you can see that he has long black hair down to his shoulders and a cleanly shaven face with a strong jaw.  


  • Vargo the Fearless was the leader of his village known as Kothoorzo; which later became known as Karse. His people lived their peacefully until an ancient evil awoke and corrupted the Double Tree of Kothorzo. Desperate, he sought help from non-traditional methods; he prayed to the gods; all of them even the evil ones; one answered with a deal that ultimately was a binding contract; Grugaran the Dodkong leaving Vargo forever cursed.
  • This act of desperation temporality held the evil that plagued the Double Tree at bay until one day the Vargo awoke to his city aflame; including the sacred Double Tree of Kothoorzo. Feeling betrayed by his newfound patron, Vargo had no other choice but to heed the call of Gurgaran when the time came.
  • All was lost for Vargo the Fearless when he was forced to enter lichdom, a practice that took many years. This required an uninterrupted extended of time which he found at the Sacred Stone Monastery. In exchange for protection, they gave him a safe quiet place to perform this life-altering transformation.


  • He is the Dodkongs main General
  • Led the armies into Zephyr's hometown, Quaervarr and responsible for its curse / destruction.
  • Wulgreth's Phylactery - the Talisman of Silence (The Helligrune) Wondrous Item – As per the Silence spell with radius adjustment. (PHB, p. 276): No sound can be created within or pass through a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the talisman. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible inside the sphere. Anyone wearing the talisman suffers the same effects. The effect lasts until the talisman is destroyed. The talisman has an AC of 6 and 10 hit points. The effect can be negated by placing the talisman inside a Bag of Holding or similar item. On the talisman is the Helligrune, the Sacred rune. Wulgreth’s spirit is in the talisman.
Currently in possession by Frilnik, which Wulgreth is pissed about The Dodkong can track the Titan Stones. The next session Frilnik is in this may be addressed  
  Resides in the Well of the Dragons Location: Deep within the Sunset Mountains - (MAP) Citadel is co-ruled by a death knight named Naergoth Bladelord and a lich known as Vargo the Faceless - (which is WULGRETH) Dracolich named Daurgothoth - in the underdark Gloamwings; A gloamwing’s head is almost ratlike, with prominent teeth, and its leathery skin is stretched tight over its skull, where its eyes are empty sockets. Its body is mottled with bony plates, and great wings stretch from its shoulders. They can transform into other undead beasts of burden - (ZEPHYR AND ELDRED HAVE SEEN THEM BEFORE) Created as a result of experimentation in DARKHOLD within the Sunset Mountains Very unpredictable which makes them extremely powerful and dangerous Darkhold, the Keep of the Far Hills The western stronghold of the Zhentarim,

General of Grugaran the Dodkong

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