Xydendanthis Torvux Vulchurian Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Xydendanthis Torvux Vulchurian

"Xye" or "Xyden"

Xydendanthis Torvux Vulchurian heard a voice.   It was unlike the voices of his clan mates, the voice was female and carried a dignified aire. The voice told him will be needed, and asked, will you join me to fight against the shadows and peril that this new world will face?   The voice was Selune, the goddess of the stars. He dreamed of the stars and the freedom they represented. Often alone at night, he would look for hours at them. But, there was a dilemma, this goddess like the others, did not answer the prayers of his clans' ancestors. They were abandoned by the gods, slaves to the dragon hordes and the primordial rulers on their world of Abeir. The Vulchurian clan were escaped slaves who hid like vermin from their dragon overlords and made a life in the mountains where they could. Death by starvation, disease or capture by their dragon masters was a daily fear. They had to depend on their clan, and the clan was all they had. So why agree to help a goddess now?   Following a goddess, would not be without cost. The dragonborn of Tymanther do not need gods and look down upon and sometimes even murder those who would willingly take another master. It would mean that without a doubt, he would forever leave his clan and Tymanther. He would be remembered as a disgrace to his clan. His father, Torvux Alanais Vulchurian, a politician, would have to disavow him, remove any trace of his existance from their home and bear a burden, that his firstborn son is a traitor. His rivals will publicly question his leadership and judgement. Afterall, how can you truely lead dragonborn, if you can't even raise a child to be truely dragonborn? The clan elders who survived the horrors of Abeir, and came to Toril in the Spellpleague 100 years ago, would offer their would discuss and offer opinions on what went wrong. His younger half-brothers, Alstar Torvux and Jorgren Torvux would face ridicule and likely beatings from both those inside and outside the Vulchurian clan. His friends would abandon him and his prominant clan status would be stripped away.   Even his half-sisters and mother, Galaea, who he barely knew would be considered damaged. So why agree to help a goddess?   For 17 year old Xydendanthis, it was what was in his heart and he knew it to be the right thing to do. Upon accepting the calling, the seven star symbol of Selune appeared as a mosaic of silver scales on his back. For this, all his worst fears came true. An outcast to his people and to his clan. His last memory of leaving Djerad Thymar, the capital of Tymanther, was of a friend. A one-legged sewer cleaner named Gorus Thydel, spitting on him as he walked through the gates.   He again heard the comforting voice of Selune, who told him that everything would work out and he was needed at the temple of Selune in Westgate. There he joined the fight against the undead in Westgate. He helped locate and destroy a Master Vampire, Gavorian Rhen, a priest of Shar, goddess of the night who went by the moniker "Evernight". For his efforts he was gifted a Staff of Healing and a Pearl of Power.   His next endevor lead him to Tantras, where he was disappointed to find the temple of Selune in disarray and worse yet, apathy. He personally dismissed several priestesses, who had lost their way, and became enemies. Among the priestesses of the temple, was Tylavaer Midsimal, the High Priestess, who he learned was possessed by a daemon of sloth. He helped to exorcise the daemon and fell in love with the priestess. THe priestess disappeared one day, leaving Xydendanthis heartbroken and dispondant. No trace was ever found of her. It appears that she was wisked away without a struggle, while eating breakfast.     His last mission was to take a package through the Feywild to the Temple of Selune in Waterdeep. This mission came from an Angel of Selune, Tordelainheim. He was not told not to open it.

Appearance in Sessions 29 - 55 [br] Played by Bill McVey

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