Yorster the Old Night Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Yorster the Old Night

Voice: Merlin from Shrek Incredibly old male elf with shorter white hair, white goatee, but he’s wearing a red velvet swashbuckler hat.   Oie. Black feathers, wearing a similar but purple hat  
  • Important Info --
  • Yorster is the formal Old Night; but not a good one seeing as he is never there. The sign of Old Night was an ancient, broken bronze shield hung on the wide trunk of an oak tree, surrounded by oak leaves. Old Night was the head librarian of Herald's Holdfast He does have a steward, however but they remain nameless  
  • Last time they talked to him he gave them information pertaining to Karleta Dinmurrow and Mama Many Knuckles   Yorster is an ancient Summer Eladrin who helped you pinpoint the location of Shae in the Feywilds   He has many magical residencies, one of which is a giant tree house in the High Forest Yorster is Worm's mentor at Herald's Holdfast, where he is currently studying to become a wizard in the Herald's Library; the best kept secret in all of Faerûn . The Herald's Library is a spell-guarded library complex that belonged to the Heralds of Faerûn and was their primary repository of heraldic lore, history, genealogy, and artifacts from nearly all the humanoid races native to Faerûn. It is the greatest library in the North, surpassing even the Vault of the Sages in Silverymoon   Oie is a tiny little kenku who is a kleptomaniac. Don't ever leave her unchecked or else she will steal your shit.   Current Location: Exact location unknown; he bounces around a lot

    Leader of the Herald's Library

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