Gene Degradation Condition in Legacy of Unsu | World Anvil
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Gene Degradation

Gene degradation is a condition that can occur among the synthesized and enhanced people. This effect occurs when a genetic alteration begins to destabilize. This destabilization can lead to great pain among the afflicted.

To many enhanced end up craving death when their own bodies begin to fall apart. There isn't enough gene stabilizers to maintain so many. So all we can do is make their last days as peaceful and as painless before they fade away.- Doctor Franx

Transmission & Vectors

It can not spread in any way as it is brought on by genetic alterations that have been done to a subject.


It is caused by the altered genes begging to mutate from over using of aniliti


A physical weaking of the body. A dimming of the color in a persons skin, hair, or fur. Coughing up blood and a organs failure.


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