Mali Ethnicity in Legacy of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Mali are a more beast like version of the maulin. A number of breeds are considered Mali. These are more physically powerful maulin who follow a warrior's code. Many Mali found a place in serving in the military. While others have made a living as mercenaries that work for the thrill of battle.  
Mali are the ones who carry the predator ancestory of the Maulin. Might warriors and hunters who fight to protect their home from all threats. Thouse who follow the Mali way are warriors who were born to fight. It is up to the commanders to mold these warriors into the defenders of not just the Maulin, but all the AGO.


Average technological level

They share the same technology of the other Maulin and those who have joined the AGO. Though they do have a habit of using more traditional tools and weapons on some of their jobs. Depending on the kind of work they are getting paid to do.

Historical figures

Aten of Jali:   He was a powerful Mali soldier who fought for Oda Battalion during the war with New Eden. He would sometimes butt heads with Yasuke as he saw the Unsarian as a worthy warrior. They would spar and fight many times over their time in the batallion. Though they trusted eachother fully when it cam to a mission. He took part in the siege of the Headquarters of New Eden. He was one of the last to see Yasuke, before he met his end in the destruction of the base. After the War Aten would work as a mercenary for a time till he returned home to help train the next batch of Mali and other Maulin soldiers.


Beauty Ideals

Strength is valuable to them so things like muscles and scars earned through battle is seen as valuable traits.

Gender Ideals

Mali males tend to be more aggressive than the females who use their head more. A strong male will show it's strength in overwhelming the threat with raw power. While the females tend to focus on getting the job done and taking out any threats.

Courtship Ideals

They tend to show aggression toward each other before warming up to each other. Even coming to blows at times in the form of spars to see each how strong each other are. Even if they get impressed by this in normally take a noble gesture or a romantic gesture to push it into an actual relationship.

Relationship Ideals

They desire safety for their family and go out of their way to create a home that can be safe to raise their young. They tend to figure out some rhythm to provide for their family and protect them. Some even giving up the ways of warriors for a time.


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