The Great Howl Tradition / Ritual in Legacy of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Great Howl

The Great Howl is a tradition of the Fenrians to mourn their dead. It tends to happen after a great battle or at the funeral of one of their kin. All within earshot join the howl to mourn those who recently died and those who died before.

There is one great howl that spread across the home world of the fenrian when a great leader had died.


The Great Howl first started when an important leader to the Fenrians died. Those who served him would howl out their pain and sorrow to the sky in order to honor the man. This would lead to them creating a tradition out of this action where it's done almost as a yearly event.


All the fenrians get together to howl toward the stars. Those who hear the howl will also join in the howl and take part in spreading the howl to farther reaches of the world they are on.


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