Weapons Dealer Profession in Legacy of Unsu | World Anvil
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Weapons Dealer

A weapons dealer is a rather successful profession even during a time of peace. In the age of space travel, having some form of protection becomes a necessity. This is where the weapon dealer comes in.

They act as a go between for the customers and the companies. Some work directly with the companies being employees who get salary. While most are freelancers who work to make deals and earn themselves some contracts.

The lady in blue. A mysterious weapons dealer who is believed to sell only custom products. They have been making big moves in the frontier sector. Her weapons being the stuff all the pros try to get their hands on. Both legally and illegally. - Chief Inspector of the frontier sector.
Unique weapon dealers may own their own operations that deal in custom goods. These are some of the most successful Weapons Dealers as they work hard to get what their customers. Very sought after by more professional customers.



To do well as a weapons Dealer you need to understand what you sell. Ex military, experience working at one of the weapon manufacturers, or the knowledge on creating your own weapons. Knowledge in running a buisness either through experience or with a buisness degree could help as well.

Career Progression

Small Time Dealer:

  A low class weapon dealer that deals in either illegal weapons or what can be ordered wholesale. Many start here and work hard to build up clients and contracts to become something more.  


  To be a freelancer weapons dealer, you need to gain a couple contracts with weapon companies. With these contracts they can sell weapons from a catalog. They can place orders and set up warehouses to store the goods. Most weapons dealers won't be more than freelancers.  

Corprate Dealer:

  Only the best can get a job from the corporations. Most who do are set for life as they are the ones who make the big deals. Selling to the military, mercenaries, and even security companies. They are the best of the best who make the big bucks.  

Custom Dealer:

This unique Dealer is only made of the best. Individuals who hand craft the best weapons around. From master swordsmiths, to those who craft weapons with a uniwue flair. Here the legends stand apart from the rest.

Payment & Reimbursement

Most work for commison or make profit off of prebought products. How much they seel can lead to bigger profits for them. Even corprate weapons dealers can land a big bonus if they make good sells.


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