Zidsan Energy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Legacy of Unsu | World Anvil
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Zidsan Energy

A type of energy capable of great power. This energy can be found crystallized on planets in harsh environments. It is possible to mine and use such crystals to power different devices. It also gives off radiation that is deemed not harmful for health but has believed to have the effect of causing evolution of one's cells if exposed for prolonged periods.

It is believed to have caused most forms of evolution on the planets that house sentient life. Many of those sentients having different names for the energy and it's effects.  
Zidsan once though to be the key to thrive in the universe has played a part in the creation of hybrids and the geneticlly altered soldiers to combat the hybrids. The energy or radiation have strange effects on these individuals awaking power that seemed dormant in certain individuals.


The most common manifestation is glowing crystals of varying colors.


The Zidsan Energy can be found all over the universe, both in it's natural habitat and the way people have spread it's use across the universe.


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