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A slayer's request DC5

1. A faction called the "Slayers" have tracked their bounty across the sea from Erlin to Herlin. However, the Fidelis authorities have confined them to the city for docking their ship outside of city gates in pursuit of the varmaul. It's considered dishonorable for a team of Slayers to return home, especially after the varmaul hijacked on of their ships and sailed it across the sea. They will ask the party to return to them with the three varmaul skins so that they can return home.   2. By Observing the crashed ship on the Herelin shore, the players will find the proceeding clues: The pole of the mast is heavily smashed as if someone had tried to knock it over with a blunt object. There are a few piles of feces that are like globs of (Investigation or Nature) light-brown mud. Urine that smells (Investigation or Nature) of strong ammonia. And tufts of black-gray fur spread about. Finally, you notice there are tracks in the mud leading from the ship and heading toward the forest across the path. The tracks are that of a giant ape, you also notice (Investigation or Nature) that after every second or third step, there’s a line in between steps like the creatures have a habit of dragging their right foot often. N, E, W   3.After wading through the cool and wet aftermath of rain sprinkled forest you come to a rushing brook. Along the trees going right, you see trees that are cleaved and cut up by claw marks. Straight ahead going north, you see a few trees missing bark with blunt force indents in the wood. To the west, you see trees cut in half with a clean cut. (Going left they will encounter a fallen knight, Going right they will encounter a crazy hermit.)   4.1. Heading deeper into the forest, more of the sky above you becomes blotted out by outstretched branches and their heavy foliage. You see large imprints in the ground that tell you you’re still on track but the ground is harder up ahead and the tracks cease. To your left and your right, and straight ahead, you see tufts of black fur sticking to the bark of the trees, suggesting that the bark pulled some hair free as an animal brushed up against it. (Perception or Nature) Upon closer inspection, a player may discover that the hair going North and West have been balled up as if rolled by hands and then placed in areas that are not blocked off from view by other trees. (Going the wrong way causes players to get lost and lose time.)   4.2 The players find a new set of large ape-like tracks but as they continue alone they find them intermingled with many other tracks that lead to a small field of sweet-smelling plants that have been very alluring to the creatures of the forest. To the north, east, and west are all ape-like tracks. But they don’t all look the same, some may very well be from actual apes. The one West has tracks with dragging feet smears on the right side. (Going the wrong way will cause the players to either get lost coming out of the forest or encounter the crazy Hermit man if they haven’t already.)   If the players are successful in following the clues they will come to a large river like one they have never seen before.    The presence of the realms is strong here. You can feel the aura from the other realms channeling through the waters, causing them to rage and send out monstrous waves like ocean waters during a tempestuous storm. They see no way across or around. But on the bank, you see a stone monument with the declaration- “The righteous shall live by faith.” Just up ahead, the players after crossing the river will be able to hear a terrifying roar that sounds of bloodlust and rabidness. If they go to investigate they will see three 7-foot-tall ape-like creatures battling a borill. Each varmaul has a two-handed weapon, a war axe, a war mace, and a claymore. What happens next is up to the player, but after the interaction, they will report to the slayers at the docks to finish the quest.
Quest Journal entries:   1. A group of Varmaul hijacked a linish vessel and was tracked to Herelin’s shoars. The Slayers are offering a handsome reward for the pelts of the mischievous beasts.   2. The ship had very few clues save for varmaul waste and sheddings. Tracks are leading into the forest at the end of the field. (North, then East, then West.)   3. We have skins to give to the slayers, we just have to go back to the docks to deliver them to them.


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