Myrmidons Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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The secrets of how to invoke power from the Almighty are closely guarded by the temple. But in recent years, the compilation of generations of forbidden knowledge and research by the royal Awul family lineage have given birth to the first sect of invoking soldiers that are loyal to their king first.    Long has Herelin pretended the strained relationship between their High King and temple authority is a secret unspoken by many. But in reality the two branches of government are barely held together by a thread, fraying more everyday with each side clambering for dominance. If the confessors ever had justification to cease all remaining power that exists on the throne they will take it without hesitation and with force. No army of normal men could withstand one of those who can invoke. This the day the royal bloodline has been preparing for.   The royal bloodline has finally compiled enough forbidden knowledge to train their own league of invoking soldiers who indroctrinated into fanatical loyalty to the high king. With this grand undertaking being both heretical and illegal, this is the High King's most closely guarded secret. It is this reason also, why they are trained rigorously in espionage, covert operations and even assassination. They are trained above all else, to hide their aura from detection of other invokers. They are the only group of invokers that are trained to rely on their martial abilities and skills, and only use invoking as a last resort on missions.
Secret, Military
Notable Members


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