Olvem's Hand Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Olvem's Hand

The continent of Nogundr may be known as a land ravaged by various war tribes but one tribe in particular stands above the rest in power and ferocity. Olvem’s Hand has been the dominating military force in Nogundr for a hundred years. There are no shortages of warring tribes claiming to be Olvem’s favored conquering force but only “Olvem’s Hand” can put forward such a claim based on their dominion they lord over the rest of the nation.    Nogundr hasn’t had a single ruling king since the second era. Since then,  the novun have suffered in a perpetual civil war among countless factions striving to earn favor from the gods of the void from their military success. Every warlord worth noting aims to be the first king of nogundr through subjugating the rest of the country, only achieved once before in the second era. In the modern era, there are whispers and frightened speculations of Olvem’s Hand achieving total subjugation of Nogundr. If such a reality were to occur, the kingdoms of Ferrathar would certainly face another all out war as Nogundr would ensue the subjugation of the rest of the nations as their ancestors did.    Caldaga is the supreme general of Olvem’s Hand and is considered to be one of the modern legends of Ferrathar, being the most powerful Invoker in Nogundr. It has been stated by the novun oracles that the only way to establish one ruler over Nogundr is for that king to be so powerful, that no one else would even consider challenging him.


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