Serenity Geographic Location in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Serenity is a realm of light and peace, ruled by the benevolent Almighty. The realm is bathed in a warm, golden light, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the gentle sound a million choruses being sung in perfect harmony. The landscape is bathed in rainbows, dotted with seas of crystal and rife with the unceasing hymns, sung day and night attributing glory to the one who sits on the throne.    Serenity is a realm of peace and harmony, where all beings coexist in perfect balance. All know one another perfectly as they do their creator. The worship of the Almighty is a simple and joyous affair. The inhabitants of serenity join the spirits who sing unceasingly, playing instruments the physical world has never seen. The work they do is not tiring or monotonous, but joyous and fulfilling.
"Death has been defeated. There shall never be another tear shed again, never another pang of pain felt, never another one who is stricken with sickness, never another who is in need of rest, never another quarrel shared and never another evil deed. For all will be sustained by the light and love of he who sits on the throne."   - Section 4 Scroll of Glory
Magical Realm


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