Slayers Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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For centuries, the linish people have suffered unnamed atrocities from the savage "varmaul," a brutal race of monsters indigenous to their lands. The varmaul are not only superior in strength and brutality, but their frightening skills of disappearing back into the forest after one of their viscous raids made it impossible for them to be found. Any who would dare track down the varmaul in a pursuite of vengeance, would soon succumb to an ambush.   The slayers were born out of the linish need to survive from unceasing death and slaughter at the hands of these seemingly invincible beasts. They are a class that excel at wilderness survival and combat. They are skilled hunters, trackers, and explorers who are at one with in the natural world. Slayers have abilities that allow them to move swiftly and quietly through forests and, as well as to track down their prey.   Slayers are proficient with a wide variety of weapons and poisons, including bows, swords, and spears, and are renowned for the fact that they craft their armor from the bones of slayed varmaul, which is said to have the resilience of steel. Those of them that can invoke, are versed in invocations that can dampen their footsteps, call darkness to shroud over them in the night and even increase their smell. But arguably the biggest defining feature of the slayer is their ability to form a bond with a bird of prey, which serves as their companion and aids them in combat.
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