The Armor Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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The Armor

Sentinels are the result of ancient and forgotten invocations that animated objects to the ends of having them fulfill a protector or gatekeeper role. Despite their ability to speak, sentinels are not thinking beings and cannot act on their own. A sentinel’s “behavior” is dictated by the instructions written on it’s obelisk. Each obelisk is black stone that functions as a manuscript of functions for the sentinel.    The armor has remained dormant for hundreds of years, only active when other life is detected in its presence. The area in which it is stationed is littered with the bones of the fallen adversaries that have come looking for the secret that it guards. The obelisk is written with directives to guard the air ship docked at the peak of the mountains, and so the armor has stood guard at the peak of the mountains with no further directions written in stone.    The type of invocation and armor design in itself is of ancient design from the magisters of the novun empire in the second era. This is why the armor is larger than any normal person and fantastical in design, but still bears inspiration from early firstborn armor.    The armor has an internal “body” of hardened stone. The stone has a network of Autherium veins running across each piece, which is the source of power from the enchantment that animates the body within. If a significant amount of stone shatters (internal damage is sustained) or if the autherium becomes spent, the armor will shut down. It is also important to note that sentinels are only able to resist minor invocations and can be weak to a strong invoker.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

The armor is a supernatural construct and currently has no concepts of morality. It only responds to the authorities recognized on its obelisk.
Consciousness scale of reference, invocation tomes recommend termination of armor at stage two.   Stage Zero - Generates speech, follows instruction   Stage One - Facial and speech recognition   Stage Two - Making a decision on their own after considering thoughts and outcomes. (Animals and babies)   Stage Three - Being aware of your own thoughts and feelings and curiosity develops.


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