Crotaous Akkamara Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Crotaous Akkamara

Former Doh'garus council member, and father of Sprizen Akkamara. He was the last Akkamara to lead Horoth's Siegebreakers. After he had died, a close ally to the Akkamara name took his place among the Siegebreakers, Araal Kurai. His last dying breath was spent in awe at the power his son had within.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born unto the council. From the beginning, he was force-fed teachings of all that goes on in Eternity. He never wanted to become a member of the council, but rather wanted to pursue a life of a crafter. No one would listen. As he grew, a sort of resentment grew in him towards his father, and the council as a whole. Once he came of the age to take his father's place, he discovered that the council may not be as bad as he thought. There was another new member, by the name of Sathona. AS the years went on, their relationship turned into a friendship, and eventually, love.   They would soon marry, and eventually go on to have a single son. They named him Sprizen. Crotaous gave Sprizen all the freedom that he was not given. He allowed Sprizen to pursue any potential line of work. Even as he was given this freedom, Sprizen wanted to not only become a council member, but one day lead the Siegebreakers. He taught Sprizen all that he was taught, and more. The only thing that he didn't give Sprizen a say in, was who Sprizen would spend the rest of his life with. THis caused friction between the two. Once Sprizen actually found out that Crotaous was ready to select someone for his son, Sprizen told his father that he had already found someone.   After a long aguement regarding the subject, they decided they'd spar over the matter. That is when Sprizen's hidden power was unleashed. Against Sprizen's will, the arcane forces lashed out, and struck at his father, killing him. Crotaous' last words were. "Arotha preserve him, a sorcerer."

Gender Identity

He knows the form that Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


He only ever had one love, and one son before he died. They were all he ever needed.


He is a briliant draconin, knowledgable about all things regarding international, and interspecies affairs.


He spent almost all his adult life as a Doh'garus councilman, and the leader of Horoth's Siegebreakers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He led the Siegebreakers to victory against the Fafnian insurgent problem, and has raised one of the greatest draconin to ever exist.

Failures & Embarrassments

He died before he could see what his son would accomplish.

Personality Characteristics


He wants only to give his son what he himself did not have. As much as he tries, Sprizen still fights him a several things. In the end though, they come around, and heal any wounds fairly quickly.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is more compasionate than many other draconin, and will often go out of his way to ensure the wellbeing of others.

Vices & Personality flaws

If he believes himself to be right, it is near impossible to convince him otherwise. Even if he is indeed wrong.



He, and Sathona led Doh'garus' military to keep Doh'garus safer than it has ever been since the cult arose.


His speach is bold, and loud. Those who know him will jokinly say that if he raises his voice, all of Doh'garus can hear it.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He was a Doh'garus council member, and the leader of Horoth's Siegebreakers.
932 P.A. 987 P.A. 55 years old
Circumstances of Death
Was killed accidentally by his own son, with magic that neither of them knew he had.
Akkara, capitol of Doh'garus
Place of Death
Akkara, capitol of Doh'garus, in his own back yard.
Yellow reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
copper scales
310 lbs. muscular
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Arotha preserve him, a sorcerer."
Deos (creator)
Known Languages
He knows draconic, the common language, and the halfling language. He finds the language of the Halflings ammusing.

Cover image: by Me, With the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, With the use of A.I.


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