Dares Pass Geographic Location in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Dares Pass

The primary trade route between the draconic nations, and the dwarven nation of Midor. It is used because the currents carry ships from Fafnia to Midor during the day in less than half the time it would normally take. At night, it takes the Fafnian ships back home just as fast. Speed is not the only reason this strait is used. It is used to avoid the elven pirates as well. Most elven pirate clans stay out of Dares Pass because they don't want to travel through the tight streams that make up the strait.


The strait weaves between seventeen separate islands, and islets. Spanning from the eastern coast of Fafnia, to the southwestern shores of Midor. To be there when the sun rises, the silhouette of the mountains rising above the water, and the several islands is a sight that many never get to see.


It is a place where the currents bash the rocky coasts of the local islands, and make small caves for local sea life to live in. Some of the larger fish use the currents to travel to their eastern breeding ground. This gathering of fish creates a feeding ground for many predators.

Localized Phenomena

This is the only place where the direction of the currents changes at either ends of the day. Many believe this to be a result of the tide feeding in one way during the night, and falling back out during the day.


It's southern placement makes the climate mostly stable for most of the year. For only two months does the weather become dangerous. That is during the change in season between summer, and autumn, when the warm air mixes with the cold air, and the mountains on either side of the four landmasses push the mixing air in one direction to make an extremely large storm called a doom cage. It boxes everything in the central areas.
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