Doom Cage Physical / Metaphysical Law in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Doom Cage

This storm, like it sounds is the very source of doom for any coastal town, or village within the inner coasts. During the transition between summer, and fall, the winds mix, and accelerate along the three main mountain ranges. These winds chase each other in a circle, and create a storm unlike anything else. It is the reason the draconic nations put their capitols south of their mountain range. It is why Midor has their capitol inside Mt. Theos. The winds tear everything off the ground, and tear it to pieces in the air.   Each one lasts nearly a month. During that time, all trade is stopped, and the elven pirate clans glue themselves to the coasts of Heodar, and Brimbaria. The bilge is nearly destroyed each time one strikes, and it takes all winter to rebuild. None have survived getting pulled into the air by a Doom Cage, and many believe that there will never be a survivor of such misfortune.


Though deadly, there is something otherworldly about its appearence. The winds are so strong, the arcane strands that allow telimagic to function become visible. Red lightning fills the sky, and some even claim to see faces in the clouds of dust, debris, and arcane strands. Etherial screams fill the ear whenever these "faces" seem to appear. Almost as if Eternity's arcana can feel the winds tearing at its strands.


This storm only tears at the inner coasts of the outer landmasses. This is thanks to the four main mountain ranges. The most prevolent of the four is the Midor Mountains to the east. Then the Dragon peaks to the south, then the orcish mountains, and the smaller mountain range in the halfling north. The winds that come with summer turning to autumn are pushed in a counter-clockwise fassion by these mountains, and they accelarate around the inner coasts of the outer three lanmasses.


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