Ilthash Ariyassa Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Ilthash Ariyassa

Priestess, and Protector

Priestess of Arotha, and guardian of Tilliat. Ilthash swore her oath to protect very recently, and was more than just accepted by Arotha, but was made ascendant. While she uses her power mainly to commune with Arotha, she still retains the magical abilities which Arotha's power grants. She was chosen by Tilliat to become his new guardian. Now she lives with the dragon in his palace.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is a relatively nimble draconin. Not relying on strength, but rather precision to solve her problems. Her slim figure, and broad wings allows her to fly faster than most other ascendant draconin throughout history.

Facial Features

Like all who wield magic pulled from either within, or the divine, her eyes swirl, and pulse with the magic she wields. This is considered to be greatly attractive among the draconin, as it displays strength beyond that of the physical.

Identifying Characteristics

She is a very attractive young draconin woman, in the face, physique, and in her ascendance.

Special abilities

As a priestess of Arotha, she has all the same power of a templar, and more. (evident by her ascendance) As a priestess, she does not use her power in the way that templars do. Instead of using her power to march forth, and fight in Arotha's name, she uses her power to commune with Arotha, and learn from her.

Specialized Equipment

She finds standard plate armor to be constricting, and much prefers flexible leather padding. Her katana was forged by her own hand, and hammer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her father was a templar of Horoth. She viewed him as the greatest being in all of Eternity, and she wanted to be the same. Like all Doh'garan children, she was taught to wield a sword. She favored the curved blade of the katana. When came the time to forge her own sword, this was the blade she forged. On the scabbard, she wrote in draconic, "Orantus Arotha" meaning "Protector Arotha." She soon after swore Arotha's oath of protection. Arotha looked upon Ilthash, and saw the faith of a child. Ilthash was granted the power she sought. She was granted power enough to make her ascendant. Once she had her power, she did not become a templar, but a priestess. She would commune with Arotha. Not long after she made her power known, she was selected to become Tilliat's personal guardian. Whenever she's not patrolling the halls of his palace, she is guarding the massive halls lined with Tilliat's writings. She has kept her oath, and kept it good. She has never strayed from her duty, and has served Tilliat well.

Gender Identity

She knows the form she was made in, and refuses to change it.


She has never once considered the concept of love, or sex in her life, as her sole focus has always been to protect Tilliat, and his teachings.


She is an extraordinarily intelligent draconin woman, as she has learned directly from Tilliat, and has access to Tilliat's original writings


She has had one job for the last several months. That job has been to protect Tilliat, and his writings.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is the youngest priestess to not only become ascendant, but to become Tilliat's personal guardian.


She will never abandon her oath.

Personality Characteristics


She has no long-term goals. Ilthash simply prefers to face what is right in front of her, being to protect Tilliat, and his teachings. She finds the task fulfilling in the extreme.

Virtues & Personality perks

She will not leave her duties. To leave her duties would be to abandon her oath.

Vices & Personality flaws

Duty is all there is to her. She will not even think about anything outside the task she has been given, even though Tilliat has tried to convince her to seek fulfillment outside of der own personal duties.


Living in the palace of a dragon has its perks. One such perk being flawless grooming.


Contacts & Relations

Has direct contact with the dragon, Tilliat. Her divine power allows her to commune with Arotha, and learn directly from her. She reports her learnings directly to the draconic church.

Religious Views

Because she is able to commune directly with Arotha, she has a higher understanding as to how her oath is best kept. She does not charge into battle in Arotha's name, but rather stays within her own land, and protects that which is close to her.

Social Aptitude

Her confidence is almost unmatched, able to speak in a way that draws a crowd. Her refined manners make her welcome anywhere, though she rarely leaves Tilliat's palace.

Hobbies & Pets

She often uses all the knowledge that surrounds her to write incredible stories, spreading Tilliat's teachings through literature. While she has yet to publish anything, she is working on a story that she is certain will bring Tilliat's teachings to the masses soon.


Her speech is fast paced, but gentle. She favors the draconic idiom, "A blade is only as strong as the hand that forged it." Meaning, it is the trials, and tribulations which shape us into who we are. Though she has faced very few, she has no doubt that her time of trial will come soon.

Wealth & Financial state

She has direct access to all of Doh'garus' wealth through Tilliat. This is not a resource she abuses though. Only when she absolutely needs it does she even consider touching such wealth.
neutral good
Current Status
Faithfully protecting Tilliat in his palace.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She is a Priestess of Arotha, and the guardian of Tilliat, one of the only two remaining dragons.
Year of Birth
983 P.A. 22 Years old
Current Residence
Tilliat's Palace
green reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
silver scales
325 lbs.
Follows the draconic religion, pulls power from Arotha.

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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