Sathona Akkamara Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Sathona Akkamara

Mother to Sprizen, beloved to Crotaous, and Doh'garus council member. From the moment she met Crotaous, she knew, she'd spend the rest of her life iwth that man. However, that was cut short when her son, Sprizen discovered his hidden magic in the worst possible way. She barely hung on to what little hope she had. Now, she has found peace, and is with her husbund in a realm of good souls.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born into the Doh'garus council. She was eager to join the council from the biginning. Once she came of the age where she was permitted to do so, she jumped into the opportunity. When she met Crotaous, she immediately fell for him. They eventually married, and went on to have Sprizen. She taught him everything about the world of magic. She simply didn't know what to do when Sprizen accidentally killed Crotaous, and got bannished within the same week. She was barely able to keep the Netumbe bloodline from tearing apart everything Crotaous had worked for.   Once Sprizen returned, and assumed his father's position, she was told the tale of how Sprizen had stopped an orc conquest all but singlehandedly. She and Sprizen led Doh'garus' military well. One day, while Sprizen's wife, Sudea was with child, he was assigned to meet the new dwarven king. Sathona would help take care of Sudea until Sprizen returned. There she heard of their plan to one day move to Fafnia. She had a long talk with Sprizen on the matter. Before they could come to a decision, the city Akkara was attacked by Midor's dwarven army. Sprizen could not convince her to stay, so she went onto the field. It is there that she fell. Now, she is with her husbund, and son, in Deos' realm.

Gender Identity

She knows the form she was made in, and refuses to change it.


She has had one love, Crotaous Akkamara. She bore a son, named Sprizen.


She was a briliant draconin. She knew all there was to know of how Doh'garus' government worked, and how to manage its military. That knowledge was vital during her time in the Doh'garus council.


She spent all her adult life as a Doh'garus council member. She died in battle before she could retire, not that she would have.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She aided Crotaous in leading Horoth's Siegebreakers, and herself led the Doh'garus Archers. She had a son, and that son has saved Eternity multiple times over.

Personality Characteristics


Her goals varied based on the task she was currently on. She neverr had a grander goal, but rather just fixed problems as they came.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is a kinder, more compassionate draconin than most. She showed only care, and love toward Sprizen, and Crotaous.

Vices & Personality flaws

Too often, she puts the weight of the world on her shoulders. Many say she is where Sprizen got this.



She was a member of the Doh'garus council for exactly sixty years, almost to the day.


Her voice is extremely gentle, for a draconin. She is sure never to use any sort of vulgarities, or cursing. She has always loved the draconin proverb, "Not all scales shield the dragon's heart."

Wealth & Financial state

She was born into wealth, as she was the eldest daughter of a Doh'garus council member.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She was a Doh'garus council member for all of her adult life.
933 P.A. 993 P.A. 60 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in battle against the army of Midor.
amber, reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
blue scales
170 lbs.
Arotha (Protector)

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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