Skolas "Firebrand" Zareth Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Skolas "Firebrand" Zareth

Vengeful templar of Horoth, and the inventor of the magically intense, and vengeful music style he calles "battle-tone." This is how he makes his rage, and longing for vengeance known. He spends his days hunting down every filthy lair from which the Children of the Eternals operate. His rage knows no end, and with Horoth's divine might, he unleashes that endless rage upon the cult that struck at him.

Physical Description

Body Features

His musculature is beyond most other draconin men, and allows him to wield his axe with ruthless efficiancy. His tail is longer, and stronger than most other draconin. Most will say it adds to his already intimmidating form.

Facial Features

His draconic snout is shorter than most other draconin's. He says that this is what allows his famous menacing stare to work. His horns are far larger than the vast majority of all other draconin.

Identifying Characteristics

He is identified by his large horns, and shorter snout. Many draconin women find it strangely attractive.

Special abilities

He is a rare case. He is not only a bard with access to lesser arcane magic, but is a templar with access to divine power. The two combined make him extremely deadly. Still, the two are not enough to push him to ascendence. He has said he is dissapointed as that would have made his overall style that much more memerable, not that it isn't already.

Specialized Equipment

His axe is one of a kind. He made it himself to not only be strong enough to see a thousand battles, but have all the musical capability that his life as a bard demands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He starterd as a traditional bard, playing in local taverns to support his growing family. He had a loving wife, and child, with another child coming very soon. One day, he returned home, and heard a struggle from outside the front door. He charged in with his short sword drawn. He saw his family get taken out the back door, and made his pursuit. He followed the kidnappers to their hideout. He was too late. They had already sealed off the room with a dark magic barrier. He was forced to watch as his family was sacrificed to the Eternals. He made his retreat with one thought on his mind: Vengeance.   He went to Horoth, took the oath never to refuse, or back down from a call to arms. Horoth granted Skolas his divine power, and Skolas knew exactly what he would do with said power. He began hunting members of the cult, and even entire cult districts. He doesn't just kill members of the cult, he makes sure that fear fills their mind. Every time he has identified a member of the cult, he toys with his prey.    First, he makes himself known, he makes it known that he is hunting them by hiding in the shadows. He wistles an ominous tune, and uses his bardic illusory magic to make it seem that it is coming from everywhere. He does this until the cultist begins running. He pursues this cultist and places illusory images of himself half hidden along the cultists path to force the cultist into a position where they are cornered. Once they are cornered, he makes himself known. He gives a speech of how the cult took everything from him, and now he will tear them apart. He makes it known that they brought this upon themselves. He strikes his prey out of existence, and places their corpse outside their lair.   His music reflects his vengeful nature. Using illusory magic, he applies a sort of filter to his lute, and his voice that is intense beyond anything else that ever was heard inside any other tavern, or party. You can hear the rage in his voice as he sings songs of battle, and sorrow. He has been hunting the cult for several years, and has vowed never to stop. This is his call to arms.

Gender Identity

He is prideful of the form Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


He had one love, and she was taken from him. Now, he has no time to seek another woman, as he is always touring, or hunting the cult. That being said, he is considered to be quite attractive by draconin standards.


He knows how to play all manor of instruments, and how to wield a great axe with deadly effectiveness. Outisde of that, he is about average intelligence.


He spent the beginning of his adult life as a bard for hire. He sang songes of battle, and victory. Now, with his desire to destroy the cult, as they destroyed all he cares about. He is a templar of Horoth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has singlehandedly suppressed most cult activity in most of Doh'garus. He has invented his own vengeful style of music, and has spread it through all of Eternity.

Failures & Embarrassments

He has yet to completely wipe the cult from existence.

Mental Trauma

"They took everyrthing from me, and now I am with nothing but my axe, and my magic. While that is more than what many could ever hope for, it is not all I want. I only wanted to live life with my family. Now I am without that. They took everything from me, and now I will take everything from them."

Personality Characteristics


He desires one thing: vengeance for his family. The Children of the Eternals took his wife, and unborn child. He now works to tear the cult apart.

Virtues & Personality perks

He refuses to let the innocent come to harm.

Vices & Personality flaws

All concept of morals leaves his mind once he draws the blade.


Religious Views

He pulls his power from Horoth. He believes he is now Horoth's holy judge, and his very embodiment of vengeance. He makes this known only when absolutely necessary, or when he is facing members of the Children of the Eternals.

Social Aptitude

He likes to stand out. This is only natural for a bard. While his confidence is almost unlimited, his actual opinion of himself outisde of the title that Horoth gave him is rather low.


When he speaks, others listen. His voice is very deep, and strong. Ir pearces through the voices of a thousand very easily. Some say that this is because he is the judge of Horoth.
Lawful Neutral (Leaning heavily towards good)
Current Status
Touring in Brimbaria, and aiding in their effort to rout out the Children of the Eternals while he is there.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He is Horoth's holy judge, and his embodiment of vengence. Horoth himself came to Skolas, and told him.
Year of Birth
955 P.A. 50 Years old
yellow, reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
green scaled
345 lbs. muscular
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am Horoth's judge, and the very embodiment of vengeance! Look into my gaze with fear, and watch as you sanity is stripped away!"
Horoth (Savior)
Known Languages
He knows draconic, and the common language.

Cover image: by Me, with the use of HeroForge
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of HeroForge


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