Song of the Forgotten Prince, and his Silver Sworn Prose in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Song of the Forgotten Prince, and his Silver Sworn

(singer 1, male) Strong, and free is what I see, Soon you will return to me, Hear my voice, Look to the sky, My love will never die,   (singer 2, female) Over hills, and across the planes, I will never forget your name, For all my years, I'll look to the sky, My love will never die,     (singer 1) Come my love, o come with me, Together we'll roam Eternity, Drown all fears, swallow the tears, And know that I am here,   (singer 2) Like that song we sang long ago, And wherever the sun may show, You'll follow me, too and frow, I'll never be alone,   (singer 1 and 2) All my power is nothing compared, To the love that we had shared, Leave this world and all its bonds, You're my only one,   (singer 2) Strong and free is what I see, Soon it'll be just you and me, I've heard your voice, I've looked to the sky, Our love will never die,

The song is referencing the final adventure of the draconin lovers Sprizen, and Sudea Akkamara. Sprizen had gone into the deadlands to banish the Eternals from Eternity once, and for all. The Eternals were the beings that were keeping Eternity stable. Sprizen was forced to take their place. In doing so, he became so powerful that he could not walk on Eternity's physical pane without compromising its stability. Deos granted Sprizen one night to spend with his love. Sprizen told Sudea of a world where only the pure souls go, and how he can be with Sudea in this world, and still maintain Eterniy's stability. Now, Sudea looks to the sky, and takes comfort in the fact that Sprizen watches over her, and Sprizen sits in Deos' realm, waiting for his love to leave Eternity, and go to a place where they can spend eternity in eachother's arms.


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