Telthak Rastrin Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Telthak Rastrin

The current leader of the Pillar Warriors. All his life, he has lived in fear of another attack from the Children of the Eternals. Now, with Horoth's divine power, he doesn't have to be affraid. Now, the cult is afraid of attack from him. With him on the front of every raid, Fafnia's Pillar Warriors are plowing through what remains of the Children of the Eternals.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Even while in his middling years, he has always been one of the strongest draconin ever to pick up the blade. His speed is not insignificant either, able to run faster than some slower brimbarians. Broad shoulders tower above a torso built from stone, supported by legs longer than most halflings are tall.

Special abilities

He is a templar, and therefor wields Horoth's divine magic. Be it to smite the enemy, or to sacrifice some of his own life force to heal an ally. To empower, or curse, Horoth's power is at his disposal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born in a time where everyone knew the cult would return. He lived in fear of an attack from this cult. Once he became of the necessary age to enlist, he joined Fafnia's army. He devoted himself to keeping the peace while he waited for the cult to return. He would smite every mention of the cult to ensure, that day never comes. One day, he was visiting his father when they were attacked. His father was killed in the attack. Telthak was devastated. Only one thought was on his mind. "Who was next?" When he reported this to Fafnia's government, they swept the event under the rug. It was then, he realized, he would have undo these sins on his own. He went to Horoth, and swor his holy oath. Horoth found Telthak to be worthy.   As he carried out his mission to stop this cult, he never once broke his oath. He answered every call to arms that ever came his way. Over time, as he did what he promised, his power slowly grew. Soon, he was accepted into the Pillar Warriors. He would proceed to climb the ranks as fast as he could. Every time he was promoted, he assumed command of a larger squad. He would use that squad to hunt down members, or even entire cult districts. His power continued to grow. Still, he could not reach ascendence. The cult resurgence of Fafnia was his greatest chalenge. He was not yet the leader of the Pillar Warriors, and was unable to get the leader to see the signs. The cult caught Fafnia by suprise.   He, like all the other Pillar Warriors were forced to retreat. The leader of the Pillar Warriors at the time fell, and Telthak was just below him. He took command of the Pillar Warriors without secont thought, and gathered his ranks to fight back against the cult. Once they were ready, he led them to their victory. Fafnia's royal family allowed him to keep command of the Pillar Warriors. Now, he routs out, and destroys all mention of the cult to ensure that they never rise again. With their sudden loss of power, he believes that his goals are within his grasp.

Gender Identity

He knows the form Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


He has never once considered the concept of love in his life. He has always had one purpose, and one purpose only, to maintain security, and peace in Fafnia.


He is a brilliant draconin. He is very knowledgeable about how Horoth's divine magic functions, and how to use it in almost every possible situation.


He (like many draconin) has always led a life of militaristic defense. Starting at the basic military of Fafnia, and eventually made his way to the Pillar Warriors.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has led the Pillar WArriors to victory against the cult numerous times, and now leads the Pillar Warriors as a whole.

Failures & Embarrassments

He couldn't get the former leader of the Pillar Warriors to see that the cult would soon return. If he could have gotten the man to understand, many more people would have survived tha attacks.

Personality Characteristics


He has lived a life of fear. He will never return to that fear. His ultimate goal is to ensure that peace is kept in his nation, and beyond.

Virtues & Personality perks

Once he picks up the blade, he will not put it down until his job is done. When he makes a promise, he keeps it. This was part of his promise to Horoth.

Vices & Personality flaws

His rage often hurts more than just the cultists. Often, in the heat of battle, he will accidentally catch a fellow Pillar Warrior in his divine wrath. Though he has not killed any of his own men in this way, He often gets foul looks from those who have been burned by his divine fire.


Religious Views

While he says he believes that Deos is the only creator, he really doesn't know. While he does not justify worshiping anything other than Deos, Horoth, and Arotha, he believes that those of the Delitan faith may be on to something. The fact that Horoth accepted him even though he believes this doesn't help in his uncertainty.


His speech is bold, even for a draconin. Even in a crowd of clamoring draconin can be silenced by a single word from this one draconin.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Raiding cult lairs in Fafnia
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He is the Leader of the Pillar Warriors. As such, his authority is second only to that of Fafnia's royal family.
Year of Birth
921 P.A. 84 Years old
Sairoia, capitol of Fafnia
Yellow, reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red scales
320 lbs. muscular
Horoth (Savior)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
He knows draconic, and the common language.

Cover image: by Me, with the use of Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of Hero Forge


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