Theren Nightsinger Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Theren Nightsinger

Famed brimbarian bard with a heart of gold. His skill with all forms of music was unheardof. Though he prefered the keystring. He has played at parties, and balls all across Eternity. He is particularly famous in the draconic nations for his song "The Dares Pass Voyage" which perfectly portrayed the draconin discovery that Dares Pass could be used as a trade rout.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born durring the two hundred years of silence. His parrents told of how they lived in a time where a deadly cult preyed on the innocent. Their stories did not do them justice, as his parents were among the first casualties in the years of chaos. After the event, he was forced to sing on the streets for just enough money to survive. As he grew, so did his talent. He branched off to other instruments, and even began writing songs of his own, including one that comedically portrayed the the dwarves' lifestyle of mining, and living inside mountains. This one song gave him the status needed to play at higher profile events. It is in one of these events that he met his love, Viara Oloren.   They toured across all of Eternity together, and spread Theren's songs. He eventually was called to play before The King of Brimbaria, and his two children, Tala, and Mildivar Eldren. In the middle of his show, they were ambushed by the Children of the Eternals. The king was captured, and Theren was forced to pursue. The journey took him through Brimbaria, and most of Heodar, where he died in the act of saving his king. His sacrifice saved the Brimbarian royal family, but left Viara all alone.

Gender Identity

He knows the form Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


He only ever had one love, but he died before they could marry.


He knows how to play the vast majority of all instruments, and how to draw a crowd. Outside of that, his knowledge is limmited.


He spent all his life as a performer. He went out singing.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He had written several famous songs that still fill the ears, and minds of the people today.

Mental Trauma

"Mother! Father! They died to save me. That cult is nothing like their stories said. They are worse. Now how will I get what I need to survive without them. All they ever did was provide everything I needed, and now I have nothing."

Personality Characteristics


He wants only to make a living. He has been playing music for as long as he could remember, so that was his first option. His talent provided for him, and he stayed with it until his final breath.

Virtues & Personality perks

He won't let anything happen to those he loves. It already happened once, never again.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be quite controling toward those around him. He thinks the only way to protect those he loves is to tell them exactly what must be done. Natually, this causes friction between him, and those closest to him.
Current Status
703 P.A. 852 P.A. 149 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died abolishing a cult presence in Brimbaria.
Place of Death
Eldara, the capitol of Brimbaria
he him
long, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
125 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Music to my ears."
Deos (The creator)
Aligned Organization


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