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Throtir Broadhorn

The current king of Midor, and one of a very few who have ever survived contact with an Eternal. Thus far, his reign has been one of progress, with a vivid picture of what the future of Midor holds. From strengthening Midor's military, to plans of expansion beyond what's known. He is beloved by his people, and has very close ties to one particular draconin who had a vital role in his survival during his corruption.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a young, energetic dwarf. Stronger than most, with a greater sense of precision.

Apparel & Accessories

His crown is the same crown first forged by Theos Vorsa in the first age.

Specialized Equipment

His armor was made custom to fit his dimensions, and his axe was forged by his own hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born into the wealthiest royal hall in all of Eternity, and had everything he needed to learn how Eternity works. His parents were assassinated by the Children of the Eternals cult, and he became the only heir to his grandfather. For a while, he served as his grandfather's advisor. During the second orc conquest, his grandfather was wounded in the attack on Mt. Theos. The wound got infected, and the dwarf king fell ill. Throtir was by his grandfather's side the entire time, and was the last to leave the room after the king had died. It took nearly a year to make his position as Midor's new king official. One of his closest friends became his advisor. At first, he was a young, kind, spry dwarf. Over time, his health seemed to reflect that of his grandfather. He became gray, and almost unresponsive. The ailment did not seem natural. A young draconin man by the name of Sprizen Akkamara came as an ambassador from the draconic nation of Doh'garus to establish friendly relations between the two nations. The draconin was turned away, and he sent a fleet of ships carrying dwarven warriors to follow. Mere days later, the same draconin boy came to confront him. He was not alone. The draconin was accompanied by a draconin woman, a halfling, and a brimbarian. At that moment, he was imbued with dark magic power which he turned on his attackers. Only when the draconin boy pull something out of his advisor did the magic fade, and his mind, and health return to normal. It was soon revealed that his advisor was corrupting him with the magic of the Eternals, and was a member of their cult. He became a close friend to Sprizen, and the nation of Midor now has close ties to the nation of Doh'garus.   After the event, he poured a large portion of Midor's wealth into developing its military so he can combat the threat of the Children of the Eternals cult. Midor was the only one to not nearly collapse when the Eternals let their rage lose. The fight within the mountains could be heard in the eastern side of Brimbaria, and at its front line, was Midor's king, this man, Throtir Broadhorn. He was there to see the cult lose its power, to see his own men cleave through the cult with ease. Now, he stands over a map, with his new advisor, and the general of Midor's armies deciphering how best to undo this cult's very existence. Recently, he has commissioned all of Midor's greatest craftsmen to build massive ships capable of spending months out to sea with the hopes of one day sending them out to find new land.

Gender Identity

He is prideful of the form Deos made him in, and refuses to change it.


Though he knows he requires a queen to produce an heir, he has had no time to pursue such things, because he has been focusing on protecting his people from the Children of the Eternals cult.


As a child born into the royal court, he received the highest form of education.


He spent the beginning of his adult life as an advisor to Midor's previous king. Once the previous king died, he was the only heir, and was given the throne. He sits on the same throne to this day.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He survived an Eternal's corruption, waged his war against their cult, and has held his nation on his shoulders for over a decade now.

Personality Characteristics


He was corrupted by the Children of the Eternals, and knows firsthand the destruction they can cause. He seeks to ensure that they never cause the same destruction.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is a man of action, knows what must be done, and when.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is unshakable in his decision, regardless of any input from others.


His reign has been one of security, and growth.

Wealth & Financial state

He has direct access to all of Midor's wealth.
Lawful neutral (leaning towards good)
Current Status
Aiding in the design of ship capable of taking months long trips out to sea.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He is the king of the dwarven nation Midor.
Year of Birth
941 P.A. 64 Years old
Mt. Theos
long, straight, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs. muscular
follows, and enforces the common religion
Known Languages
He knows dwarvish, the common language, and draconic. He only took the time to learn draconic after Sprizen Akkamara relieved him of the Eternals' corruption.


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