Zaerta Species in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Zaerta (Zair-ta)

Six feet at the shoulder. Teeth, the size of an open hand. These beasts are some of the deadliest creatures in Eternity. Their use is almost exclusively in war. Mounted by Horoth's Siegebreakers, they strike fear into even the most fearless of warriors.

Basic Information


These beasts of war are quadrupedal, and scales protect every inch of their body.

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures are reptilian in origan, so they reproduce in a similar way to other reptilians. Laying eggs, etc. They mature at age three, and their reproduction cycle happens once a year during the transition between winter, and spring.

Growth Rate & Stages

After they hatch from their eggs, they are already capable of fending for themselves. However, they lack the instinctual knowledge required to hunt. For the first six months, the mother teaches the young to hunt. Once the young zaerta has learned how to hunt, it goes out on its own. Zaertas mature at about two years old. Their mating season is toward the end of the winter months. After that, the cycle continues.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer a warmer habitat, making the southern landmass ideal for these creatures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The zaerta are carnivorous. They hunt for their food. For every three hunts, two are successful. Their large size versus their small prey means they spend most of the day on the hunt. To see a zaerta on the hunt is to see danger in a physical form. If one finds themselves in the jaws of a zaerta means near certain death.

Biological Cycle

Each year, just before the mating season, the zaerta shed their scales, and gain a new color pattern. These scales become harder over time until the next time they shed.


The zaerta are a strange species, as there are next to no behavioral consistencies. Some live in packs, others walk alone. Some are monogamous, some spread their genes throughout the population. There simply are no consistencies.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They're used almost exclusively for war. They are ridden by the cavalry unit Horoth's Siegebreakers. Their sturdiness allows them to pull supply carts in battle. If trained properly, they can stand guard outside an outpost. These are just some of the uses they have on the field.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live almost exclusively on the southern landmass.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though sight is not their strongest sense, their smell is unrivaled among the creatures of Eternity. Each one is able to smell even the slightest scent of their prey for up to ten miles.
~12 years
Average Height
6' to 6'8" at the shoulder
Average Weight
~1 ton
Average Length
14 feet head to tail
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The males are typically a light brown to a dark green, while the females have a more vibrant variety of colors from a blue, to a lighter green.


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