BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Dr. Ogel was a genious scientist employed by the Lego City Space Program. He was stationed at the Lunar Space Station until he went rouge.   Villainous arc
It is unknown what happend exactly, or why he turned evil, but a connection can be made in that Dr. Ogel is a direct decendant of Vladek of Ankoria. Ogel went away and built several secret bases to further his agenda. His initial plan  was hindred by Alpha Team, when they interrupted the rocket launch at his personal control center, which would have air dropped mind control orbs at civilians, turning them into his personal slaves.   This was a setback for Ogel, but it did not defeat him. Ogel stil had a secret base deep in the ocean from where he could continue his research. Meddling in genemanipulations of sea creatures, he created mutant monsters with which he planned to rule the seas. Once again his plans was thrwarted by Alpha Team, causing great setbacks to Ogel's agenda. It would take Ogel some time to recouperate. Eventually he resurfaced with a new plan: using a variation of the mind control orbs, called Ice Orbs, Ogel began freezing the world. Would he succeed, the entire globe and even time itself would freeze completely. However, once again Alpha Team managed to save the day, and Ogel was presumably defeated for good.


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