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Robin Hood

The brave and fearless Robin Hood is the leader of the Forestmen of Greenwood. He is always arriving just in the nick of time to save the day. Whether he’s swinging down on a vine to rescue a damsel in distress, leaping boldly from the castle battlements to duel an evil duke, or making an incredible trick shot with his bow and arrow to help a friend in danger, he is at all times the very model of a chivalrous hero of legend and yore.   The Robin Hood loves to make a good first impression and is always practicing his dramatic entrances to get them just right. He’d come to the rescue anyway, of course (it’s just in his nature to right wrongs and fight injustice wherever he finds them), but it’s terribly disappointing for him if no one is around to see him gallantly arrive on the scene for his latest feat of swashbuckling derring-do. He’s only sad for a moment, though, and then it’s off to battle the bad guys and save the day once again!   Despite years of living in the woods, the Forestman still can’t tell poison ivy from regular ivy. The Forestman once rescued two princesses, saved three villages from evil trolls, and defeated an entire band of pirates in one day, before breakfast. The Forestman has a lifelong fear of crocodiles.


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