The Auction Catalog Prose in Leland Peninsula | World Anvil
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The Auction Catalog

A gentle knock drew Kurisu's attention from the book he was reading to the door of the library. He looked up to see Elisa peeking through the open door, something clutched in her hand.   "I do not wish to disturb you, but I found something that might be of interest," she said, stepping into the room. "Nezumi's black market auction catalog just arrived."   Kurisu raised an eyebrow as Elisa settled onto the bench beside him. "And just what are the pretender corporate overlords shilling out now?" he asked, closing his book.   "A cursory glance indicates much of the same fare as usual. Father will surely ask for me to attend in his stead," she said, opening the bound catalog in her lap. "But I recalled that you had halted your studies on Mindisu Flux due to a dead end. Would this be something that might be of help to you?" she asked, handing the catalog to him.   Kurisu's eyes lit up immediately upon reading the name of the artifact. "The Envelic Cube of Mindinoran," he murmured, glancing to the picture that accompanied the entry. His eyes trailed down to the description. "Artifact from the Mindisu dynasty. Comprised of metal and stone, this artifact was commissioned by Emperor Mindinoran and is said to contain a dark power within." He shook his head. "Those fools don't have any idea the true power they hold in their possession."   Elisa leaned over to look at the page. "What kind of power?"   "Much of Mindisu Flex revolves around sharing of power through special rituals. In the days of the Mindisu dynasty, it was traditional for the emperor to pass down his raw enmantic potential to the next in line. This wasn't always possible because of the uncertainties of death, but Emperor Mindinoran held within him the longest unbroken line of power. He felt his son hadn't shown proper appreciation for the power, so rather than pass it on, he contained it in a special box, the Envelic Cube. Only someone properly studied in the ways of Mindisu Flex would be able to open it and harness the power of generations. If the box were to break, the power would be lost forever."   "Would you be able to open it?"   "Without a doubt."    Elisa tilted her head to the side in thought. "If it is as important as you say, then it would truly be a shame to risk it falling into the hands of the highest bidder."   Kurisu glanced up from the page to her. "You said your father will be sending you in his stead?"   Elisa smiled. "He usually does with these things. The opposition is far less likely to consider me a serious threat, much to their own detriment."   Kurisu grinned. "Then it would seem that Goldenessa and Black Deva will be making an appearance at Nezumi Tower."

This is meant to be a prelude to my primary NaNoWriMo project for this year, a choose-your-own-adventure story wherein the reader, as Polyraisa, must stop Goldenessa and Black Deva from stealing the Envelic Cube of Mindinoran.   I wrote an abridged version for the one-shot challenge this year, before I really had any idea what the duo was actually stealing: Follow the Squirrels -- Abridged.


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