The Ballad of the True Null
The Ballad of the True Null (Va Dellimo va c'Lomanque) is poem carved into the base of a burial monument in Ronleva. It was commissioned in honor of Aritz Ovejero, a beloved mayor of the small town who also happened to be a True Null. Originally written in Irocran, the poem would eventually be translated into most of the languages spoken in Leland and used as a rallying cry for True Nulls seeking equality.
The thesis of the poem is that True Nulls might, in fact, be the only true masters of all the enmanities despite displaying no measurable enmanity. It accomplishes this by substituting the names of the enmanities for their common noun counterparts, for example substituting Sobar (Power of Melody) for scoba (music), while identifying their presence in human existence. The poem ends with the claim that a balance of these energies within a person is what creates a True Null.
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)
Authoring Date