
Magic makes up everything in the world of Jorra. From the smallest most unimportant object to massive structures to every living creature on the planet. Everything is made up of the substance known as "Aether". To describe Aether is difficult, its both a fundamental law of reality and the basic building block of life. At its most basic function Aether is divided into four "Prime Elements".  

Prime Elements

  • Air: The element of wind and air.
  • Earth: The element of stone and earth
  • Fire: The element of heat and fire
  • Water: The element of cold and water

Secondary Elements

  Besides the "Prime Elements" there are numerous sub-elements that take over more complicated facets of reality. From earth controlling death to water controlling blood each of these allows for a more complicated form of magic to appear. Some sub-elements even share two prime elements such as metals strong affinity for both Fire and Earth.  


  • Time


  • Death
  • Metal


  • Magma
  • Metal


  • Blood


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