Leight Character in Lementia (Old) | World Anvil


Uknown (a.k.a. Leight)

Leight is an android discovered at an abandoned site in Edepan by the Northern Lights Adventuring Guild. He was accidentally reactivated by Slob when she picked Leight up. Leight's memory cells were corrupted because of the long exposure to the elements. Deciding to travel with the Northern Lights Adventuring Guild, Leight was able to help free the dragon goddess. Leight is currently struggling with the meaning of his existence and life in general.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Leight is an androgynous android that is hundreds, or even thousands of years old. While surprising well preserved given their age, he is visibly rusty, and has lichen growing on various parts of their body.

Facial Features

Leight's eyes are a Mardi Gras purple, and are typically bright enough to somewhat light up a dark room.   The mouth, when opened, has "normal" looking teeth. However, the mouth ends in abruptly with a speaker in the back. The mouth serves no real function other than to mimic the mouth movements of organic life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Uknown. Leight has regained a few memories, such as a women being attacked near a mine and the dragon being sealed away. Furthermore, he remembers miscellaneous memories where Leight survived being attacked or chased.

Gender Identity

Gender neutral. As Leight is an androgynous android, he doesn't have any gender identity. Using male, female, and neutral pronouns are fine. However, Leight takes strong issue with "it."



Intellectual Characteristics

Logical and philosophical


Leight hates being called "it." Extending from this, Leight has an intense dislike for any type of bigotry.

Personality Characteristics


Leight is motivated by learning about the world and understanding their own place in it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Leight is unable to effectively communicate complex ideas without resorting to complex jargon.

Personality Quirks

While Leight is unable to emote physically like organics, he has other ways of conveying emotion.   Whenever Leight is confused, he dims the leights of his eyes. When angry, the eyes light up even more than normal.
6 feet
100 lbs


Mage 8 Class & Level
Amnesiac Background
Android Race
Unaligned Alignment

Strength 8
Dexterity 8
constitution 16
intelligence 19
wisdom 16
charisma 12
Total Hit Dice 8
Hit Die 1d6+3
3 proficiency bonus
16 Passive perception
-1 Strength
-1 Dexterity
6 Constitution
7 Intelligence
6 Wisdom
4 Charisma
saving throws
-1 Acrobatics
3 Animal Handling
4 Arcana
-1 Athletics
1 Deception
4 History
6 Insight
1 Intimidation
7 Investigation
3 Medicine
7 Nature
6 Perception
1 Performance
1 Persuasion
4 Religion
-1 Sleight of Hands
-1 Stealth
3 Survival
Hit Points
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None


Leight is naturally curious, and always wants to learn more about the world. Because of their age, Leigh uses an outdated form of the language, making hard for others to understand her. From experiencing some level of bigotry, Leight hates bigots with a passion.
Personality Traits
Learning about themself and the world
Safiya, Slob, Kelsi, and Lorelei - traveling companions
Doesn't know much about the world. Is unable to speak in an informal, modern way.
Androids are not fully alive. Because of this they do not need to eat, drink or breath and only require 4 hours of "downtime" during a long rest.

Metal Craft:
Your unarmored AC value is 13+Dex

Androids are naturally immune to any spell which only targets humanoids (Such as "Hold Person") Additionally thier minds are foreign to outsiders and they gain advantage against charm effects.

Water Soul:
Starting at first level you have resistance to frost damage.

Healing Savant:
Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell's level.

Water is Life:
You can help your allies recover from damage naturally. When the party takes a short rest they may add your intelligence modifier to any hit dice rolls they make to recover HP.

Aether Points: 8

Metamagic: Quickened Spell:
When you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can spend 2 aether points to change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting.

Metamagic: Subtle Spell:
When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 aether point to cast it without any somatic or verbal components.

Instead of gaining spells on level, whenever you want cast a spell, the character can "remember" the spell and permanently add it to the spell slot.
Features & Traits


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