Batona's rules on magic Organization in Leonna | World Anvil
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Batona's rules on magic

These are the rules as the name suggests on magic. Batona doesn't have a high opinion on magic in general it prefers much more the martial combatent. That is something that can be understood magic is too elusive.   Even with Batona's opposition to it divine magic is still allowed and practiced within the walls of the city. The reason why that is accepted is because then you aren't the one to create it however through a force that is much more knowledgeable than mortals are or nature itself. They like warlocks even less. They make a contract with a being with usually less than good intention. Even though they don't like the arcane casters usually there is a methode of training or study that is required to control the powers. However the effortlessness of the warlock makes him/her the prime target of disdain looks if it is known.

Public Agenda

Their public agenda consists of keeping the people within batona safe and astablish a consistancy with their rule.


This believe was made centries ago when the entire continent of leonna's memory was wiped. People who knew of the practices of people like Lycia girthmyre and others like her. They knew how horrible the experiments were and wanted to prevent that from ever happening again. So they wrote on a stone tablet to never permit the use of arcane magic. It isn't a power that should be wielded by mortals. Mortals can be corrupted to do "the right thing" when the right thing to do is as horrible as those we than we don't deserve to live. This tablet after the memory wipe was used as the only way to guide the people in amits the chaos of people who are grown up suddenly not knowing anything and that was their only semblanse of a guideline so they held onto it like there was no tomorrow.
Founding Date

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